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Norah's Point of View

I love Taylor Swift.

Yeah, I know a lot of people say that, but it's true. I've been a fan since she released Fearless. I would listen to You Belong With Me on repeat and scream the lyrics about a certain guy with said certain guy.

But anyway, that's not my reason for saying that at this moment. I'm sitting in my bedroom looking at the little jewelry dish on my nightstand. It doesn't hold actually jewelry, it's holding paper rings.

When Lover first came out, and we listened to Paper Rings together, Trevor started making paper rings for me. They definitely got better over time, he even started adding color to them. It completely warmed my heart when he gave me the first one, considering I wasn't expecting it.

He ran into my room, weirdly out of breath, and handed me the ring. He had this huge smile on his face, and that alone made me fall in love with him all over again.

Don't tell him I said that.

I have about 20 of them between 2019 and now, and I've actually been running out of space for them. I take my real jewelry and put it in the dish, and put the rings in the jewelry box my mom got be for my 16th birthday.

I take my favorite ring, the one he put the most effort into for my birthday, and put that one back on my vanity. I like looking at that one everyday as cringy as it sounds.

Speaking of the man of the hour, "Which suit should I wear tomorrow?"

He holds up to suits, a dark blue one, and a black one. I look between the two.

"Black one." I say.

He nods. "Thanks."

He cracks my door, back to its original state. I hear his footsteps walk back towards my door and it opens a little bit.


"The Black ones." I say. I already knew he was going to ask me about shoes. He's come to be to pick out his opening day suit since college.

The Ducks host the season opener here in Anaheim against the Seattle Kraken. And no, I don't just know that because I know Trevor, I'm actually a big NHL fan myself.

I have to stop by the shop today to see how things are doing. I have a couple of employees, considering it's a small local owned business. I trust them to place the orders and get more flowers from our suppliers, i taught them everything they need to know.

Maggie and Louise are at the shop today, Sarah is on maternity leave and Liv only works part time at the shop.

I grabbed a granola bar out of the pantry on my way out the door. I used to hate them when I was younger actually, and now they're one of my favorite snacks.

Once I get to the shop, I only have to see how things or doing and maybe put a few orders in the vases so they can be delivered by the right date.

The little bell rings on the door when I enter. The walls are a pink tone with beautiful and colorful accents. I'm really proud of the place.

"Hey, mags!" I say setting my purse down behind the counter, she was typing on the shop's laptop.

"Oh, hey. I didn't know you were stopping by today." She says looking up from the laptop.

"Just wanted to check on things. Where's Louise?" I ask.

"In the back, she's finishing up the last few orders for today." She says. "The Browns actually placed an order for a homecoming corsage and want you to design it. Her dress is purple."

paper rings • trevor zegrasWhere stories live. Discover now