25- Do you?

186 6 16

|4 year time skip| 

I woke up  to see no one sleeping next to me. I slowly got up and stumbled into the kitchen, "good morning sleeping beauty, I made breakfast." Hunter pointed to the table that had griffin eggs, flying pig bacon, and apple blood. 

"Aww what's the special occasion?" I went and sat at the table and started eating. We moved out of the owl house 2 years ago, we decided to stay close though and bought an apartment in bonesburrow. Lilith is still empress but is going to retire soon. The boiling isles is truly an amazing place to be now.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to make today really special!" Hunter said as he came and sat down with me. "Speaking of..." he led on "do you wanna go on an adventure today?!" He asked excitedly. "What do you have planned..." I asked suspicious. "Ohhh nooooooooothing" he smiled. I laughed  "of course, I would go on whatever suspicious adventure with you anytime." 

He had an ear to ear smile as he quickly stood up and ran out of the kitchen. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" I yelled "WHAT?!" "WHERE ARE YOU- oh never mind." 

Hunter and I got onto his palismen and we flew off. We flew over bonesburrow and over Latissa before landing in a giant empty field of tall grass on the Left Hand. "What are we doing here?" I asked and Hunter completely ignored me and grabbed my hand.

He led me to the middle of the field where a small picnic was waiting, "aww Hunter this is so cute!" He rubbed the back of his neck "hehe yeah, I wanted to do something special..." 

we both sat down, there was a light breeze but the sky had almost no clouds. Hunter opened the picnic basket to reveal some sandwiches and a container of gore berries. "You packed gore berries?! I thought you hated them!" I said as I grabbed the gore berries out and quickly started eating them "well I know you really like them so I decided to bring them," 

"That's so sweet!" I said as I stuffed them in my mouth, Hunter smiled then grabbed a sandwich out of the basket. 

Once we finished eating I laid down and stared up at the clouds. After some hesitation Hunter laid down next to me. I softly grabbed his hand. 

H: "Isn't it funny how we got here?" 

Y: "what do you mean?"

H: "well, if I hadn't have failed those missions, you wouldn't have gotten promoted, we wouldn't have gone on those missions, and we probably wouldn't have met. I might have still been working for Belos is wasn't for you."

He turned to face me and I did the same. "You're really something you know that?" He said in teasing tone. I laughed and turned back to look at the clouds. "You changed my life too," I said softly. 

"How?" He asked. "Are you kidding?! If it weren't for you and Eda kidnapping me, I would probably still be the castle crying in my bed." Hunter slightly chuckled. "But... your scar..." Hunter said with regret in his voice. "Hah! This thing? It makes me look so much cooler, and that wasn't your fault. I was being stubborn and turning a blind eye to blatant wrong doing." I sat up and looked down at him. He sat up and carefully held his hand against my cheek.

He rubbed his thumb against my scar. I leaned into the touch and closed my eyes. The wind blew around us and tears started to escape my eyes. The last 5 years were certainly an adventure, but the only person who really stayed and cared was right here in front of me. I love him. 

I felt arms wrap around me, I tightly held onto him. When he pulled away he immediately pulled me into a kiss. Witch I happily returned. 

When he pulled away he stood up and offered me his hand. "Where to now Goldie?"  I asked as I took it. "You'll see~" he sang as we got on his staff. 

As we flew, Hunter got out his scroll and was messaging someone "hey don't text and drive." I said sternly "ok mom" he joked. After he finished what he was writing, he put his scroll away and flew faster. I wrapped my arms around his torso "SLOW DOWN!!!" I yelled. "WHAT?! I CANT HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF ME GOING FASTER!!" He sped up even more and I got closer to his back while closing my eyes.

We came to a really fast stop almost knocking both of use off of the staff. "Look" I heard Hunter say softly. I slowly opened my eyes see the spot he took he one morning. The sun hit the water just right and made the entire ocean look like a sea of glitter. "Man we haven't been here in a while I forgot how pretty it was!" I said in awe.

As I stared at the ocean I could feel Hunter gaze staring at me. He took a deep breath and turned around for a moment. "Y- Y/n?" He said sounded scared. I turned to him to see beads of sweat going down his head and his whole face was as red as a tomato. I hummed a response. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes to hype himself up a little. 

He carefully stood up on his staff, then bent down on one knee. I knew what was coming I let out a huge gasp, 

"Ok ok... Y/n Deamonne, will you marry me?"

I stood up, forgetting I was on a staff and fell off. "YEEEEEESSSSSSS" I yelled as I fell. He teleported to me and caught me. Then teleported to ground and dipped me into a kiss. I laughed a kissed him back. Nothing could ruin this moment.

"CONGRATS!!!!!!" Someone yelled from behind us I pulled away from the kiss to see, Eda, Darius, Lilith, Raine, Luz, Gus, Willow, and Steve all standing behind us, Gus was using his magic to make a giant CONGRATULATIONS sign. I laughed "is that who you were texting?" I asked Hunter. 

He scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, they wanted to see the proposal." "I told you, you should have done it on the ground, she almost died after saying yes." Eda came over and told Hunter. Hunter laughed and took my hand. 

Lilith: "Finally! Now I can retire!"

Eda: " another addition to the Clawthorne family"

Darius: "I'm so proud of you. You're going to make a beautiful couple chipmunk."

Raine: "Congratulations raindrop!"

Luz: "don't let that goober choose stupid wedding colors."

Gus: "if you don't let me be DJ I'm never talking to you ever again."

Willow: "I call being flower girl!!"

Steve: " you have no idea how rich I just became. Now I need to find half of the emperor's coven."

I laughed at everyone comments. Today was truly amazing. I'm so excited to get married.

|Hunter's POV| 

Lilith: "Now you have to be stressed with being Emperor!"

Eda: "You really found a good one kid. I'm really proud of you."

Darius: "I swear to Titan. If you hurt her, I will personally make sure you will always feel pain."

Raine: "you know, I might follow in your footsteps..." *looks at Eda*

Luz: "good job bro! I can't believe you could get someone like her!!!"

Gus: "I better be best man."

Willow: "..."

Steve: "she is like my best friend man. Don't hurt her please."

How come Y/n's messages where mostly compliments and mine where mainly threats... :( 

Once everything calmed down, we all went back to the owl house to eat some lunch that Darius made. "You guys prepared all this? What if I said no?" Y/n asked. Eda laughed, "I knew you would say yes." 

(1291 words)

A/n: the next  halter is going to be the last chapter. I plan on starting another Hunter X Reader pretty soon. 

Love youuu drink water.

-Coraline <3

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