10- A Very Happy Birthday

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|Y/n's POV|

Cam had me stay in the Healing coven for one more day just in case. Hunter practically spent all  day with me telling me all of the events from the past 2 days. 

"So Malice had taken over my mom the night she died? and had completely taken over her body and life force until it found me?" 

"Yep... I'm so sorry about it all." 

I was sitting on the side of my bed wearing my normal clothes about to leave to go back to my room. 

"It's ok. I'm just glad I got see her again."


We sat in silence for a moment when Cam walked in. "Ok your all good to go! If you get any bad headaches just rub this ointment on your head." She handed me a shallow container with green goop inside of it. 

"Thank you so much Cam. I honestly have no idea what I would do without you." I said as I got up and gathered my things. 

"Awh Honey it's no problem, I'm just doing my job!" They blushed a little. 

Hunter and I walked out of the Healing coven and down the hallway towards my room. 

"Hey so I was thinking since you were possessed by a blood drinking, Life force eating, Demon on your birthday maybe we could celebrate it tomorrow?" 

"Oh! yeah!! did you have something in mind?" 

Hunter scratched the back of his neck. 

"Oh uh yeah... But nothing big really!" 

We walked in silence until we got to my room. 

"I'll come wake you up at 7:00 we have a big day ahead of us!" 

He waved and walked into his room. I walked into mine and saw a book on my desk. 'Ruler's Reach.' Were did this come from? 

I walked out of my room and knocked on Hunter's door. He opened the door and I asked him about it "Oh uhm yeah that was your birthday present... But! I have a better one don't worry" 

I chuckled and walked back into my room, sat down, and started reading the book. it was a pretty good book actually.

After I got to the part where Luzura died, I got up and went out to get something to eat. 'Maybe I should ask if Hunter wants anything' I thought as i walked to over to Hunter's room.

I knocked on the door. "Yes?" He answers in a soft tone. "I was going to go get something to eat do you want me to get you anything?" He thought for a moment then said "uh I'm not sure. Do you want me to come with you?" I nodded my head "No no I don't want to disturb you in your studies. I'll just get you a ghost shake and a fairy pie. Is that ok?"

"Oh! Yeah that would be amazing thank you!

|Time Skip|

Hunter and I decided it would be fun to eat with either so we ate in my room, and talked.

H: "what did you see when you were possessed for those 2 days?"

Y: "well everything was dark. It's was like I was sitting in the abyss and the ground was covered in a water like substance. It was very lonely and I thought I would never make it out again."

H: "I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I should have protected you better that night you got possessed."

Y: "please don't beat yourself. You did your best."

We finished eating and went out separate ways. I went to bed and Hunter went back to studying.

|Hunter's POV|

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