23- Public eye

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"What." Hunter and I said as we stared at Lilith. "No really! I think this will be a good way to show that we arent on Belos' side anymore!" I squinted. "By haveing a ball?" I asked. "Yep! I'm not a very *ahem* Romantic person so I wont be doing very much dancing, but you two are going to be the faces of the Boiling isles!" 

Hunter and I exchanged a look of worry. "Are you sure...?" I said trying to get out of it, but I could tell Lilith had a serious and convicted look in her eyes. Meaning she is stuck on this and won't go back. 

I let out a loud exhale then took Hunter's hand. "Do you wanna do this?" I asked Him. He nodded, then I faced Lilith again, "Ok we'll do it." Lilith clapped her hands together. "Perfect!! I'll start preparations immediately!!" 

She ran off into another room, Hunter and I walked out the throne room doors and through the halls of the new castle. "Are you sooo excited to go and dance in front... of... millions of people... Uh oh" Hunter started out teasing then turned into worried tone. I laughed and took his hand, we got to the exit and started walking back to The Owl House. 

|Time Skip|

About 3 weeks have gone by since Lilith told us about the Ball. Luz actually got the portal door to work and she figured out a way to make a working back and forth door. She is out looking for a dress to wear and she is also showing her mom around the boiling isles. 

I was currently laying on the ground of the living room staring at the cieling thinking about whats going t happen in season 3 finale of my favorite show. "Hey darling, what are you doing?" Hunter asked as he walked into the room holding a cup of tea. "Oh nothing just thinking." I respond." He set his tea on the coffee table and bent down so his face was directy over mine. 

"About what?" He said with a smile. I love his smile, it's so cute and small. "Just stuff." He laughed and sat down next to me. He started playing with my hair. "You're like a kitten." I said turning to him. His face looked confused and disgusted "What." I lauged. "You just a like a cute little kitten!" I laughed. He sighed and laid his head on my stomach. 

"So, you got a suit for tommroow?" I asked him. He sighed "No. but Darius said he was making one for me and to not worry about it." We sat there in silence until Hunter asked "What about you? do you have something to wear?" I sat up so Hunter's head was on my lap, "Nope. Crap. I gotta go." I said as I started to get up. 

Hunter sat up with me and then said "Awww, you have to cuddle with me when you get back ok?" I laughed and blushed a little at his antics. "Ok ok, Bye! Love You!!!" I yelled as I ran out the door and got on my staff. 

I flew into town and found a dress shop. I walked inside and stared at all the beautiful dresses surrounding me. "Hi there miss can I help you?" I recognized the voice and turned around. "Cardboard?" Cardboard laughed. "In the flesh!" "You really run every job in this town don't you?" He laughed "Yeah, whatever it takes to keep bread on the tabel. Anyways is there in anything you are looking for?" 

I shook my head, "No just looking around for now, I need a derss for the ball tommororw." His eyes widened. "You were invited to that ball? Apparently its only for very powerful people, although I heard some people are camping out in front of the castel just to get a glimpse at the glamour. It's nice haveing these kind of events, ever since that rotten Belos died and Empress Lilith took over, everything in the boiling isles has been alot more peaceful." I nodded and walked over towards the dresses. 

There where 3 I was looking at, I decided to go with a slim dress with a cloak kinda of thing wrapped around the shoulders, (but with no hood) the cloak had stars embroded into it and the dress had gold spakles. I took the dress up to the counter and started getting out my walet to pay. 

Heart of gold (𝕘𝕠𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕘𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝕩 𝕗𝕖𝕞𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)Where stories live. Discover now