Chapter : Me

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This is my life, where everything begins to start.
I'm just a little girl who lives downtown, and a village girl who loves nature. I used to wonder what the world looks like, and sometimes I wonder if this world looks like a fairy tale like the book we used to read, but unfortunately, our story differs from the book of fairy tales that have always ended with a happy ending. I know it is not realistic, I know the reality is full of misery and sometimes I can't either say that. But most of the time, our life is full of surprises, you cannot expect what will come over to you, and yet I would say "life is colorful".

It all began in the past three years. The phase changed between the age of sixteen to seventeen, and I would even think my seventeenth life might be turned in, to be the sweetest year as you would say "sweet seventeen". The moments passed as the day by day are gone and the time flies - "the relentless time" - I had no idea how I felt, it was mixed feelings, all the things that I had known back in the days were, I learned how to live my life, happy, sad, upset, and mad. Although, I would say I had so many feelings that I couldn't describe in such words. You cannot describe love in more specific detail but you can feel and you would understand without the meaning of the definite definition in spite of it, I could only tell the general words as I'm happy or not.

Those days were colorful, I have been tempted by so many trials in my life, experiencing something I wouldn't expect. I thought this would be the end of my life because there are some obstacles in my life that I think I couldn't overcome it. "That's it" and "That's enough," I said to myself, Thinking "Let's end here".
But, Have you ever wondered, and knowing the reason why those problems came to us? Many said "Life is short" or "Life is too short, so enjoy your fullest life". It is only a temporary place as we live in this world, some problems stayed and came across, sometimes to remind us and to teach us.

I have one proverb that I use a lot to be my self-reminder" The matters of the problem itself come to approach to make us who we are". I wonder what that even means?. Sometimes, if we see the other side of the matter, we often look at the negative side rather than the positive side, and If we have this new look of perspective, we will see what it means.

The positive things that we could get from the problems are we could be strong and can overcome the problem. The next thing you will know is how to act, solve and face another problem.
As I'm telling myself, these are the general things of how I would look, yet we are not going any deeper into the meaning of it, I'm afraid the things will go heavy as we dive in.

So, be yourself and try to live your life to the fullest of joy. When the problem comes to you don't take it otherwise, you need to see the positive side of it.

Me, Myself and IWhere stories live. Discover now