Part 15

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"are they okay?" Carl asked worriedly

"I don't know I can't see," Lexi said worry just as ever present in her voice

The truck Glenn drove up in with the rest parked and they piled out.

"Let's get inside," Glenn told the two

Carl and Lexi nodded and ran over to the truck bed helping grab the bags.

"Dad was out there did anyone see him?" Carl asked

Glenn's jaw tightened, Lexi frowned at him "Glenn?"

Glenn looked at the ground away from them

"Glenn is... is he dead?" Lexi asked

Carl's eyes widened staring in shock

"No," Glenn said but the twitch on anger didn't go away. Lexi went to ask more but the door opened and shut with Rick leading two people Lexi thought she would never see again.

"Dad," Lexi felt the words come out

Daryl set his crossbow down just in time to catch Lexi jumping into his arms

"You came back!" She cried

Daryl didn't reply though, he held her for a moment before standing up straight

"If y'all don't want Merle here that bad I'll take mah kid and we'll go," Daryl said keeping his voice even


"Shh bug," Daryl said not looking away from Rick and Glenn. He kept his hand on her shoulder as he looked at the group. Lexi frowned and quieted looking at the group she considered family. Would her dad really make her leave them? All for Merle?

"You can't just take her and go," Rick said scoffing

"Unless ya forgot Rick, she ain't yours," Daryl spat

Rick took a visible step back. He barely recognized Daryl. He was keeping it from his voice but his posture, his face it all screamed anger... and hurt.

"neither of you should be going anywhere," Glenn said "You're both our famil-"

"Family don't ditch ya without a car, don't act like yer gon' vote and take off the second ya turn yer back!" Daryl barked

"All that's in the past now little brother," Merle said putting a hand on his shoulder "Ya got yer little insect let's just go-" Daryl shrugged Merle's hand off of him

"Y'all act like ya care about us but ya don't really give a shit! Ya made me leave mah kid and mah brother-"

"Don't give me that shit," Rick scoffed making Daryl slightly surprised but not enough to break through his anger

"You and I both know that's bullshit," Rick said "We're family no matter how you want to look at it that's that,"

Rick pointed at Merle "All he is, is the jackass who convinced you to leave,"

"The second I look away from ya yer high tailin' it," Daryl yelled "How's that fer family!?"

Glenn scoffed "You took off! What else were we supposed to do!? Hang around and just hope you're coming back?"

Lexi crossed her arms uncomfortably as Daryl took a step back

"You... you said this time would be different," she said

Daryl frowned looking down at her "What the hell is he talkin' about?"

"You left," Lexi said

Daryl rolled his eyes "For an hour what the hell guys? I go hunting all the time that don't mean I-"

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