Chapter 13 - Part 2

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"Fuck," Lexi grumbled her eyes not opening her head was pounding way worse than her usual dehydrated headache. She was so warm. It was like she was back at the cabin in front of the fire reading a book to her dad while they ate the deer they caught. But the feeling lasted only a moment when something came crashing down near her.

Her eyes shot open. The library was on fire, everything was burning just like the barn did. Her head was aching and she tried to stand. Struggling to her feet she looked around, the door to the child's section was blocked by a flame consumed bookcase. She could make things out from the sections between

'Duane!" She yelled

"The swarm! He let them in! Get out, Lexi!" Duane was next to his dad's chain he must be trying to get him down, there was no way Lexi could get through especially as dizzy as she was. There was a fire ax on the wall she ran towards it her feet doing all the work as she felt very faint. She had to walk past the man who was on the floor the bullet wound in his chest looking suspiciously like Duane's targets.

She used the handled of her slingshot to break the glass

"Duane! Catch!" Lexi yelled over the roaring flames Throwing the ax over hoping she didn't just smack him even though she was too far from her for that to be possible. She looked between the rifle and the fire extinguisher near the dead man. The growls of the walkers only grew and she had to make her choice quickly.

"Got it! Now run!" Duane says after securing the weapon

Lexi didn't listen instead grabbing the rifle. She pulled the trigger but it had no bullets and the swarm was getting closer to her as all the walkers swarmed in. She made the wrong choice. She turned to pick up the fire extinguisher instead. But burning building fell on top of it separating her even more from Duane and Morgan. Maybe it would explode. Who through the walkers to the only non burning exit? Or go through the fire on Duane's side?

Morgan and Duane on their best day could probably handle the walkers but could they do it before the building collapses? and besides Morgan was... Lexi shook her head trying to keep herself away from the fire and those particular thoughts, it was only growing and starting to spreading to the door. Again she had to make a split second choice. She chose Duane's side.

She used the rifle to try and pull the bookcase away from them she could see Duane got his dad down from the chain he was racked on. She pulled on the rifle but it slipped the metal was getting hot so she wrapped her bandana around the handle

"Duane! Your feet!" Lexi spotted it just a second to late the last man who Duane or Morgan must have killed was crawling towards him the knife in his chest obviously not enough for him to die-die

The scream Duane let out was unearthly, the Walker bit his ankle just above his boot. It only had time for a bite before Duane stabbed its head. Morgan started to move, did he come back? Was he a Walker? Lexi sweated from the fire and pulled on the bookcase again the board was broken and she fell backward her head hitting the ground. Again she was unconscious.

She could hear so many voices around her, she could hear Carl and Rick... She must be dying. The saying that everything flashes by before your death was true. She could see her entire childhood, bits, and pieces of her memories of her dad, Rick, Lori, and Carl. Even her uncle though they weren't good memories. It was so comforting, even the bad ones.. she let it come feeling no use in fighting it she felt like she was drifting away and fell back like she was sleeping.

Suddenly the memories vanished and she was being shaken, carried, crying piercing her ears. She couldn't open her eyes, was she not dead? She couldn't wake up and instead listened to the crying person so far away. The cries sounded different every time it paused. It must be her brain firing off pieces of her before death but something told her she was wrong. Was this what being a walker was like?

She was so tired... But she fought hard to keep her mind awake. It was difficult but something again screamed in the back of her mind that she wasn't dead but if she slept she would be.

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