Sneaking Out

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The next day at school was just so weird being there because of what happened to Olivia, my best friend. It was like I couldn't be at the school without her, but I forced myself to go. Cause if not, then I'd be stuck at home with my mother and I definitely do not want that.

I just wanted to get this day over with already. I know that the Ghostface murders was happening, but now that the killer murdered my best friend, it felt all too real and personal.

After getting my things out of my locker, I turned around to go into homeroom, but then jumped when Charlie was right behind me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that." Charlie quickly apologized.

"It's fine. I'm a bit on the edge today."


"I can't believe what happened to Olivia last night," I frown, thinking of the horrific memory. "Jill and I ran to Olivia's house if we can help her out or just do something for her, but we didn't make it in time. I managed to catch a glimpse of her room and - oh, god, Charlie...there was so much blood on the walls, on the floor...everywhere..." I felt the tears coming on and I wished they didn't. I hated to cry in public.

"I know, I know, shhh..." He cooed at me softly and pulled me into his arms while I tried so hard not to cry, but felt a few tears drop.

"Even Jill got hurt! Sidney's publicist got killed last night too!" I started to freak out and get scared. Still in his arms, I looked at him. "What if it's Kirby next? I mean, why didn't she get any calls from the killer? Don't you think that's a little strange? What about my Mom?" Then there was a terrifying thought that sent chills throughout my spine. "What if it's me?" I asked in a small, scared voice. "What if I'm next? What if-"

"Ava, I won't let anything happen to you. The killer won't go after you." Charlie said that with so much confidence that I couldn't understand.

"How do you know that for sure?" I hated the sound when I sniffle like a child. 

 "I just know." Then he kissed me in assurance.

But I'm not sure if that made me feel any better. 

I wiped my tears away and tried to put myself together.

"With everything that's been happening lately, I don't think I can stand to be in my house for a second. I just might lose it."

"Want to hang out at my place? You know my parents away." Charlie offered and that does sound tempting. 

"Yeah, but there's my Mom and you know how she is..." I rolled my eyes.

"Just say that you have to do homework at Kirby's." He advised like it really was that simple.

"I guess I could...if she can let me go..." I shrugged.

"I can even bring you to the Stab-A-Thon." He beamed, his eyes lighting up at that.

A sly smile worked its way on my lips. "Is that a date, Walker?"

"Sure. I didn't think that a girl would've thought that a Stab-A-Thon can be a date."

"Why not? You know I love to watch Stab movies. They're my guilty pleasure." I know I probably shouldn't have loved them as much as I should because it's about my family.

"So, it's settled then. I'll take you out to the Thon tonight."

"Looking forward to it." I kissed him and he pecked me back before we left for homeroom.


Later, I was the first one to show up for Charlie and Robbie's Cinema Club. Other than art and literature class, Cinema Club was one of my favorites. And I'm not just saying that because my boyfriend and our best friend was running it. I am a movie fan after all.

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