The Big Goodbye

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Monitor beeps, 
machine-timed breaths; 
think I'd be fine 
if I loved you less. 

Nurses speak; 
it's too complex; 
It's short reliefs 
and side effects. 
Think I'd be fine 
if I loved you less. 

Down the hall, 
waiting room; 
world outside 
still resumes.
Think I'd be fine
if I loved you less. 

Pale skin, 
closed eyes. 
I let you in. 
The hero dies.
Think I'd be fine
if I loved you less. 

Fight or flight; 
live or die. 
Hospital light. 
The big goodbye. 
Think I'd be fine
if I loved you less. 

I love you more. 
Did I say it before? 
Did you know? 
Do you have to go? 
Think I'd be fine
if I loved you less. 

Monitor beeps, 
machine-timed breaths; 
You left me here 
in this lonely mess. 
Think I'd be fine 
if you loved me less. 

'The Big Goodbye' - 28/03/23.
Think I'd be fine if I loved you less.

I wanted to write a song for Calum and Delilah for my series 'Chase Me' that I wrote when I was 15. Yes, it is still on my page, but please DON'T read it. I've looked back through it, and it's literally the worst.

Actually, my Imagines/Preference book is still up, so that's the worst, but Chase Me is a close second.

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