Chapter 10

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~ jades pov~

It's been two weeks since court and I don't know how to feel. I'm happy that my dad is in jail, he deserves it after everything he's done to me throughout my whole life but he's my dad. He raised me, well kind of. I guess it's a good thing he's in jail, he can't hurt me or anyone else anymore.

I'm going back to school tomorrow, I'm nervous. I don't know why. I've missed a lot of work so catching up will be hard but my friends are helping me out.
"Hey wanna go out for dinner" beck asks
"Sure" I reply
I've moved back in with him so life is going much better.
"Where do you want to go"
"Umm I don't mind you pick"

An hour later we leave to go to a nice restaurant, we haven't been on a date in ages and it's nice to spend time with just the two of us.

Whilst at the restaurant I keep thinking I see my dad I know it's my mind playing tricks on me but it's so realistic and it's making me uneasy. Beck notices this, he grabs my hands and holds them gently in his.
"He's locked up, he's not here, he can't get to you" he reminds me
"I know that"
"Then believe it"
"I'm trying it's just hard"
"I understand and I'm here for you and everyone else"

We finish our meal and head home.

The next day at school is weird, everyone is staring at me sympathetically and I hate it.
"Babe calm down its fine"
"It's annoying"

We walk into sikowitz class a little bit late.
"There you two are, jade welcome back we've missed you"
I sit down in my usual chair and beck sits next to me.
"Now let's do some acting!" Sikowitz exclaims "jade since you haven't been in you can lead the first scene"
I walk up to the stage and call up beck, cat and Andre.
"Someone give them a place"
"A park!" Tori says
"Boring, give us something else something exciting"
"A morgue" Rex said
"Yes now begin the scene"
"Mam do you think you could recognise your brother?" I ask cat in character
"Yes" she nods sadly
We pretend to show her dead bodies and she points at the last one.
"There he is! My poor brother" she cries
Andre pretends to walk in the room whilst beck is comforting cat.
"Could we borrow you for a second" he says
"Sure" I walk off the stage
"He didn't deserve this" she sobs
"Yes he did" beck says straight face
"He was a horrible man who did horrible things and deserved to die and now it's your turn" he 'stabs' cat and she screams as she falls to the ground
"What happened" I said rapidly walking back in
"Sir we're going to have to arrest you" André said
We pretend to put cuffs around his wrists and walk off stage
"Amazing! I loved the plot twist" sikowitz says clapping
The bell rings and we leave class and it's lunch.

"So jade how have you been" tori asks
"Why do you care" I respond turning my body slightly towards her
"Well you've been through a lot recently and I want to know if your ok"
"I'm fine"
"Well we're always here if your ever not okay"
"I said I'm fine!"
I walk away and go sit in the car. Beck follows me.
"What's wrong you've been on edge ever since your dad was locked up"
"I just keep thinking he's out so my anxiety is through the roof"
"Jade he's in a high security prison he's not escaping and if you need reassurance we can call the police and ask them"

We dial the prison number and a male answers.
"We'd like to leave a message for a prisoner" beck says
"Rowan West" I say
"What's the message"
"Tell him I'm never forgiving him"
"Anything else?"
"Nope he'll know what it means"
"Alright then"

We hang up and I feel a lot better, not 100% but better.
"Can we go to the RV" I ask

We're just chilling and I get a message from trinity, my dads wife? Ex wife? I'm not sure.

Trinity: jade please come home me and your brother miss you
Jade: not yet, I'm not ready but one day
Trinity: of course, no need to rush

And hour goes by and I'm pretty bored.
"Thank you" I say
"Thank you"
"For what"
"For everything, for being her for me all the time and saving my life, I love you"
"I love you too jade"
We smile and kiss each other on the lips gently.

A/n- last chapter!!! What did you think to this story? And did you enjoy it? Let me know

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