Chapter 5

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~jades pov~

I wanna give up trying but I can't, not now.

I keep ringing peoples phones but the wifi doesn't reach here, neither does my data.

Finally a phone call reaches through to someone, it was beck though. It doesn't matter I still have a chance to live

The call:
Bitchy beck 🖕: where are you, we're worried
Jade ✂️: help me
Bitchy beck 🖕: where are you I'm on my way
Jade: my house, small room, joint to basement I think
Beck: I'm on my way just try to keep breathing
Jade: hurry
Beck: I will
Jade: stay on the call please
Beck: i will don't worry just keep talking to me
Jade: about what
Beck: I don't know about anything
Jade: umm it's horrible down here *puking noises*
Beck: what happened
Jade: I threw up again
Beck: I'm almost there just hang on
Jade: ok

I'm waiting for beck, but I don't think he's gonna make it in time.

He finally got here and he told me to make as much noise as possible, I can't shout anything my body won't let me so I hit the door as hard as I can.
"Jade!" I heard beck sat faintly

I whack the door harder.
"Jade are you in here" he asks
"Yes hurry up I can't breathe" I reply
"I need to find something to pick the lock give me a few minutes"

I heard some crashes, and then something was shoved into the key hole.

I threw up even more, my chest pain was back and I got even more dizzy.


~becks pov~

I finally managed to get the door open and I saw jade, she looked very weak. Her eyes were red and puffy as if she'd been crying, her hair was a mess, a little pit of puke was around her face, she looked like she hadn't slept in days. Puke was everywhere and jade was struggling I needed to call an ambulance.

~jades pov~

Beck got in and a few seconds later the room started to get fuzzy, becks words were muffled and everything was spinning. My eyes shut and I collapsed onto him.

~becks pov~

Jade fell onto me, I had to get her out of the room so I picked her up and carried her upstairs into the living room. I placed her on the couch and checked her pulse, it's there but barely. I tried shaking her awake but it's no use.

I picked up my phone and shakily dialled 911.
"Hello this is 911, what is your emergency today?" The lady asked
"My friend has been trapped in a room with no food or water for a few days and some type of gas released into the room, I found her and then she collapsed" I blurted out quickly
"Sir calm down everything will be alright, is she breathing?"
"Yes but barely"
"Ok now what is her name and age"
"Jadelyn west but she prefers Jade and she's 17 years old"
"Ok thank you, an ambulance is now on its way and in the mean time just try to wake her up and keep her breathing, I'll stay on the line until the ambulance arrives"
"Ok I'll try but I'm so scared I don't want to loose her"
"Is she your girlfriend?" I was asked, a stranger question for a life or death situation
"Ex-girlfriend but I still love her and I probably never will stop loving her even is he moves on from me"
"I'm sure she feels the same way and you can let her know as soon as she wakes up"

I heard loud sirens outside of Jade's house, it must be the ambulance.
"The paramedics are here" I inform the lady
"Ok well I'll let you go now, she's in safe hands"
"Thank you" I hang up the phone and answer the door to the doctors

I explain everything again in detail and they pull Jade onto a stretcher and hook her up to machines, they then put her in the ambulance.
"Would you like to come with us" one of the doctors asked
"Uh yeah sure" I say and climb into the van and sit beside Jade

The sirens are on and so are the lights, they're flashing and everyone is letting us through. I've always let an emergency vehicle through but I've never even imagined that I'd be inside one of them with that girl I'm in love dying right before my eyes.

My legs were bouncing up and down and I was picking at my nails and the skin around it, one of the doctors noticed this.
"Everything will be fine" he said
"But you don't know that, do you even know what gas caused her to collapse"
"No not yet but we will know when we are at the hospital but that's not for you to worry about" he assured me
"Can I at least sit with her" I asked
"Yeah sure"

I walked over to her and sat down on the chair next to the bed, I held her hand. They were ice cold, she looked more paler than ever and she can't even breathe on her own. My eyes fill with tears and I let a few of them drop down onto her.
"I love you Jade and I'm so sorry"

A few minutes later we arrive at the hospital and Jade is rushed inside, I couldn't see her yet, not until they knew what was wrong so for now I sat down in the waiting room; surrounded by people anxiously waiting for the results of their loved ones.

I take my phone out from my pocket and see I have 10 missed calls and about 50 messages from the gang.
I message them everything and tell them to come to the hospital.

Fifteen minutes later they arrive. Cat is still sobbing, André looks like he has cried a little bit but is still processing it and Robbie and Tori are in shock. Cat spots me and runs towards me, she gives me a big hug and cries into my chest, I start crying as well. I love cat like a sister and if anything happened to her I will get revenge and I'm 100% Jade will kill whoever hurts Cat.
"I'm so scared Beck" she cries
"I know, I am too"

We just stay their for a minute or two, completely aware that everyone is staring at us.

We finally pull apart when a nurse comes into the waiting area and says "is anyone her for Jadelyn West"
"We are" I say whilst wiping my tears
"Well I have some news for you and I'm afraid it's not good"

Dun dun dun! Will Jade be okay???

In the nick of time - bade fanfic Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum