Chapter 2

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~jades pov~

I woke up the next day, my pillows were covered in makeup in were I had been crying, I probably needed to change the sheets but I'm most likely to cry more makeup off onto them so it's no point, I'll do it at the end of the week.

I put on a pair of black ripped jeans, a green t-shirt with a black hoodie over the top. I added in some green hair extensions and only did a little makeup (concealer, mascara and eyeliner). I added one necklace and a few rings, I then put on my favourite pair of boots.

I went downstairs and made myself a coffee and I was greeted by my dad.
"Has your boyfriend finally dumped you?" He asks
"I don't see why that's any of your business" I reply
"I'll take that as a yes" he said

I turn away from him and roll my eyes and continue making my coffee.

Once it's finally done I grab the mug and drink it in a minute. I quickly grab my bag and keys and head out of the door.

I climb into the car and prepare myself for probably one of the most awkwardest days of my life.

I drive to school and park my car where I always do. I'm about to get out the car and I hear knocking on the window that made me jump.
"JADEY!" She shouts happily
"Hey cat" I say fake happy
"Fine" I roll my eyes

I open the door and hop out of the car. Cat hugs me tightly.
"So what exactly are you giving me?" I ask
"A hug because you need one and don't deny it" she says hugging tighter
"Ok but get off of me" I manage to push her off me.

We walk to class which is Sikowitz luckily we can sit where ever we want so I don't have to deal with being sat next to Beck.

We do some alphabetical improv which I won out, we also did normal improv.

After school was finished I didn't go home instead I drove over to a cliff that overlooked all of Hollywood. I sat down on the grass and let the wind move my hair out of my face. I remember when Beck and I used to come here, we would always come here to think or just for some time with each other, it was so peaceful and I was happy with Beck and now it feels like I'm being punished with all of these emotions that I don't know how to handle. I feel upset that Beck doesn't love me anymore, I feel angry that he just left me there and embarrassed me in front of everyone, I feel a sense of relief that we're broken up now I don't have to worry about doing one thing wrong that doesn't even concern him and starting an argument, I also feel glad that we broke up we were toxic and definitely need a break from each other and I also feel empty and that I have no one to turn to anymore. I would usually talk to Beck but he's not gonna care anymore and my friends won't get it the way Beck did he actually listened and helped me through my problems they would tell me it would get better over time.

I stay in the cliff side lost in my thoughts for another hour before I decide to go home.

I go upstairs to my room and do some homework. I have to write an essay on how I feel for literacy, how ironic. I also need to write up a script for a short play. I decided to start on the essay as that due date is tomorrow (I may have forgotten about it).

It has to be 1,000 words only and as long as it's about how we have felt recently then there are no other rules apart from the obvious ones (no copying someone else's work etc, do I need to go on?)

After two hours I have finished the essay, I just need to go and check my grammar and spelling. Another hour goes by and I've finally finished.

~the next day- jades pov~

I handed in my essay and I think it was pretty good and we'll find out how we did once they've all been graded.

I was sat in math class when Lane interrupted the class wanting to speak to me.
"Ugh what have I done now" I said packing up my stuff
"Nothing you're not in trouble I just need to have an open conversation with you and you can tell me as much or as little as you want" he explains

I exit the classroom and follow him to his office.
"So what did you want to talk about"
"You're literacy essay, your teacher read it and said she was concerned and bought it to me so I read it and it is amazing but some of the stuff you wrote is a little concerning" he says
"Concerning how?" I question
"Well the essay is about your feelings and how you've been feeling right" he said and I nodded "well here you describe your feelings as 'a never ending cycle of anxiety, depression and anger that pushed you down a well with no way out and when I feel like I'm getting somewhere and finally becoming happy again, sadness pushes me back down the well and I'm back in the never-ending cycle again' it's concerning because you cover up your hurt and sadness with your sarcasm and anger and when you write things like these we finally get to know what your really feeling and we just want to know why" Lane says
"Well I just got broken up with and what you thinks I'd be happy and full of joy" I tell him
"I hear you've had this assignment for a week, you and Beck broke up a few days ago" he reminds me
"I may have forgotten about the essay until after we broke up so I based my emotions off of that" which isn't totally a lie as I felt upset when we broke up but I'd also been feeling all of this before but now its just gotten worse
"I see and do you feel like this all the time" he asks
"No" I lie
"Jade you know you can talk to me and I won't judge you and I'll help you through it"
"I'm telling you the truth, are we done here?"

I grab my bag and leave the room, I got straight into the janitors closet and reach into my bag for a sharp blade. I place the cold metal against my skin and slice it watching the blood ooze out and colour in the silver metal red. Once I was satisfied with the cuts I cleaned them up and left, I didn't want to go back to class so I just went to my car and drove around for hours.

I had a few missed calls from cat and so she would worry I messaged her 'just skipping, didn't feel like doing the rest of today'.

I went back to the cliff and stayed there until dark, I watched the sunset which was actually kind of calming. I went home around 10 and went to bed, skipping dinner.

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