Chapter 9

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~jades pov~

It's the day of the trial. I couldn't sleep at all last night. I even had to fake sleep because beck said he wouldn't go to sleep until I did. I must've gotten a max of 2 hours last night. What do I even wear to court? How do I do my hair? What about my makeup? And how do I stand? What do I do with my hands? Do I make eye contact with anyone? And-
"Jade" beck said calmly "what's wrong, you're pacing and picking at your nails"
"I'm panicking, I have so many questions, I'm tired I couldn't sleep and I'm so nervous. I have to be in a room with the same man that tried to kill me and what if I win and he goes to jail what will happen to me and my brother" I said, my voice is trembling and my hands are shaking uncontrollably
"Look we can sort all that out afterwards but for now focus on yourself, just breathe" he took my hands and held them in his "breathe in one two three and out three two one and in one two three and out three two one"
We repeated this a little bit more until I was calmer.
"Now go get ready, you're gonna be late"
"Are you coming?"
"Of course but it doesn't matter if I'm late it only matters if you are since you need to present your side"

An hour later I'm ready. I'm wearing a dark green blazer with matching pants, a black top and a pair of black heels. I straightened my hair instead of my usual curls and for makeup I just wanted something natural, so a light coverage foundation, light bronzer, subtle blush, concealer, mascara, a small eyeliner wing and some lip gloss.

I posted a picture of beck and I on the slap with the caption saying 'court clothes'.

We arrived about fifteen minutes later and I checked the comments on the post.
Kitty 💕: you'll do great, you're the best at arguing and you look stunning. Good luck and update on how it goes! X
Harris 🎹: good luck west
Robbie🤓: you've got this remember to be strategic
Tori 🙄: I've never seen you with straight hair before, it suites you! Good luck you'll do amazing

Beck and I were sat in the waiting area bit, my legs started to shake, beck noticed this and placed his hand on my leg. He moved his other hand to my face and gently moved it so I was facing him.
"Hey don't worry about it you'll do great and if you feel yourself getting nervous or if your gonna have a panic attack just look at me and here have this" he handed me a hair tie "put it on your pocket and if you're gonna have a panic attack take it out and fiddle and remember to breathe, I'm going to be in the audience all the time"
"Thank you" I smile
"Come here" he said and pulled me in for a hug
"Uhh sorry I don't mean to interrupt but you should probably start taking your seats to be ready" my lawyer, Jamie said

"Mr west are you pleading guilty or not guilty?" The judge asked
"Not guilty" he said proudly
"Ok then let's begin, jadeyln claims to have accidentally set the fire alarm off whilst cooking some lunch, due to the mass amount of smoke coming off of it, no one and nothing was harmed but when you returned home (half drunk) your found out about this, you slapped her across the face and locked her in the basement with no food, drink and you set off a machine releasing a deadly gas, is this true jadeyln"
"Yes this correct" I speak into the mic
"Lies!" My dad yells "I was out of town for a work trip so I would I have managed to do that?"
"Sir we have evidence of you from your security cameras entering back in the house the exact same day this happened"
"That must've been my twin brother, he looks exactly like me!"
"What?!" I exclaim
"Not your time to talk, please continue mr west"
"I have a brother who looks like me with very little differences, hard to recognise on camera and he must've came to my house looking for me and chucked my daughter into the basement. Who would chuck their own daughter into a room with no way out and turn on a deadly gas machine"
"Jadelyn what do you say about this"
"Two thing one is for you, please call me jade the other about the case, you told me he was dead, you told everyone he died in a horrific shooting in Boston 2 years ago! we went to his funeral, you said a speech there"
"A cover up for some horrible things he did"
"We'll take a quick break whilst we pull up some old files, what was his name"
"Ryan west"

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