Chapter 3

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A/N- sorry I haven't updated in along time I've been busy but now I have some time to post! (Sorry if this is bad I have no idea what to do for this chapter but imma just go with it)

~jades pov~

I walked into school with a coffee in hand and made my way over to my locker and Robbie was there as well.
"Hey Jade" he said
"What do you want" I asked
"We'll you weren't in school yesterday so we all got worried"
"Yeah sure you were" I said sarcastically

I quickly grabbed the stuff that I needed for the next lesson and slammed my locker shut.

First lesson was Sikowitz so it's a pretty chill lesson so I arrived a few minutes late and it's not like he's gonna care nor be there to even know but he was there.
"Jade you're late, why" he asked
"Because I was" I said and took a seat
"Fair enough! Now let's start the lesson" he clapped his hands

The lesson was almost over and we had nothing to do so Sikowitz started asking us about our weekend plans.
"Jade what do you get up to in your free time" he asked me
"Probably just drive" I answered
"Where?" He said so intrigued
"I don't know wherever I guess" I replied
"Interesting" he said and I rolled my eyes

The bell went and we were dismissed for second period.

The school day was finally over and it also meant that it was the weekend, I didn't want to go straight home so I said what I was going to do: drive. It didn't last long because I got a call from my younger brother, Finn.

The call:
Jade ✂️: What do you want
Finn 🐠: Dad has left me alone again and there's no one to look after me and I'm hungry and I can't cook
Jade ✂️: ugh I'm on my way

Great now I can't drive anywhere in peace I have to babysit my dumb brother who is perfectly capable of looking after himself.

I drove home but took a few detours so I could still at least have part of my long drive.

I got home and went inside and saw Finn watching cartoons in the living room.
"What do you want to eat" I asked him
"Ummmmmm pizza!" He exclaimed
"Ok I'll order some" I sighed

The food arrived in 20 minutes, I gave Finn his pizza and went upstairs.
"Jade are you not having any?" He asked
"No I'm not that hungry" I replied
"You are though I heard your stomach growling whilst we were waiting for the food" he pointed out
"Here have some of mine" he said and handed me a slice of his pizza
I was hungry so I accepted the pizza and forced myself to eat it as much as I didn't want to.
"I'm going upstairs to do homework, if you have any do it" I said and went to my room

I sat on my bed drowned in my thoughts, why did I take the pizza? I'm gonna get more fat, I shouldn't have taken it.

I let a few tears slide down my face before I stood up and headed to my bathroom, I lifted the toilet seat and shoved my fingers down my throat causing myself to gag and after a few goes I threw up. I flushed the puke down the toilet and washed my hands.

The next morning my dad still hasn't returned home so I still had to babysit.

I made Finn some breakfast and myself a coffee. I thought about adding my two sugars but I can't, not yet at least.
"Are you not having breakfast" Finn asked, he cared a lot but asked to many questions
"No I never do" I replied
"What are we doing today"
"I don't know probably nothing"

We sat in silence for a few minutes when I got a message on my phone, it was from Tori.

The gang 😎
Tori 🙄: anyone want to hang out today?
Harris 🎸: sure
Kitty 💞: yayyyy! I'll come
Puppet boy: I'll be there
Beck ❤️🤍: I'm down

My eyes filled with tears as I noticed that I hadn't changed becks name on my phone yet, I'll do that now.

Tori 🙄: jade can you come
Jade ✂️: I don't know probably not I have to babysit my dumb brother
Harris 🎸: I swear he's like 8 he'll be fine for a few hours, just come out with us
Jade ✂️: fine
Bitchy beck 🖕: where are we meeting
Kitty💞: can we go bowling
Tori🙄: sure
Kitty 💞: YAY!!!!!!

"I'm going out with my friends, will you be fine here for a few hours?" I said to my brother
"That's fine"

I got ready and then left, I had to pick cat up so I left a bit early.

We arrived at the bowling alley and met up with everyone else, Tori insisted on taking a group selfie so I kept my same bored expression and stuck my middle finger up at the camera.

Before we started the game beck and I were left alone, cat and tori went to the toilet and Andre and Robbie went to get drinks. It was very awkward so I just pretended to message someone.
"Hey Jade, can we at least try to be friends" beck said breaking the silence
"Nope" I said
"Why not"
"Because we can't"

The others finally came back and we headed over to our alley and started the game.

A few hours later my phone started ringing but it was my turn to bowl so I ignored it.

I took down eight of the pins which put me in first place.
"Jade your phone won't stop ringing" tori told me

I went over to the my phone and saw that it was Finn calling me.

The call:
Finn 🐠: Jade please don't be mad
Jade ✂️: what have you done
Finn 🐠: well it's lunch time so I tried to cook myself a cheese toasty and I may have set the fire alarm off
Jade ✂️: you idiot, Dad is gonna kill me
Finn 🐠: but I set it off
Jade ✂️: doesn't matter I'm still getting the blame for it, I'm on my way

"I have to go, see you guys Monday" I said and left

I got home as fast as I could and turned the alarm off
"Do you reckon dad knows?" Finn asked innocently
"Yep, the security company alerts him when the alarm goes off" I replied "so pack your bag and go to a friends house, I'm not letting you go through what I do"
"But then he'll blame you and hurt you" he said sadly
"I know but I'm a lot stronger than you now hurry"

Finn left to go spend the next few nights with his friend Dave whilst I waited patiently for dad to get home.
"JADEYLN AUGUST WEST" he yelled as walked through the door "WHY WAS THE FIRE ALARM SET OFF" he slapped my face
"There was no fire, I swear I was just cooking and there was a lot of smoke and it set the alarm off" I told him
"What a bunch of lies" he said and grabbed the back of my shirt and locked me in a room with no windows and the door only being able to be locked and unlocked from the outside.

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