☆Part 4 | Names☆

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The morning had risen. Outside, gentle breezes rustled the leaves of the trees and young dragons learning to fly could be seen in the distance. All in all, it was a peaceful morning.

All other than the fact that the child was found missing from Faelens room.

"What do you mean they were just gone?!" Haldir shouted as he grabbed Faelens shoulders. He had gone to the Kissimmi's room to take the child for a morning wash, but only found Faelen sitting there with a confused look.

"I mean they were just gone. 'Ah woke up an' they weren't there." Faelen repeated as he was shook back and forth, letting his head sway with his body.

"Gaah! Why did I think leaving you with a child was a good idea?!" Haldir exclaimed with frustration and ran out of the man's room in search of the child.

Haldir ran down the halls, the tapping of his short heels echoing throughout the wooden halls. He quickly turned a corner, running into a blur of red.

"Whoa- Careful, Haldir." The one who he ran into, Hubyr, caught the elf by the wrist before he could hit the ground. Pulling him to his feet, he tilted his head at the elfs panic.

"What's up, Haldir? Whatcha in a hurry for?" A look of concern crossed the dragons face as he looked at Haldir. "Did something-"

"The kids' missing!" Haldir spat out, interrupting Hubyr midsentence.

"Wha-? Wasn't the kid with Faelen?" Hubyr questioned, his worry growing.

"I went to pick the kid up for a morning wash and Faelen said he didn't see them when he got up." Haldir quickly explained before going around the dragon and continued running down the halls in search of the kid.

"This.. I'm screwed, haha." Hubyr laughed dryly as he thought of the child running into the horned man. "Well.. Hopefully Sir wants to be lazy today aswell." He said before going to search for the child aswell.

The news had spread to the other residents besides the horned man. The five had began a large search, doing their best to keep the horned man from finding out they had lost the child.
The child could be seen walking in a large clearing in the center of the tree house. The floor was completely grass with a blueish glow.

Their feet were still bare as they didn't bother trying to put on their shoes when they woke. They simply wanted to explore more, not realizing the commotion it caused.

The child noticed a medium size pond was in the center. It easily caught their attention as they walked over to it, their feet lightly flattening the grass underneath.

They sat down and crossed their legs, staring down into the clear water. Their hair fell from behind their ear and dipped into the water causing small ripples.

They continued to stare at their reflection in the water as more of their hair fell into it, distorting the image of their face. Another figure appeared beside their own, surprising the child.

The child quickly turned around only to be met with the sight of a horned man with markings across his body.

"What are you doing here?" The man asked, an obvious glare on his face. "I thought Hubyr would be smart enough to not let you wander alone." He continued, not letting the child get a response in.

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