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OMG I'm so sorry I haven't updated in F-O-R-E-V-E-R.

Anyways, enjoy the book! More Notes at the end!

Harry had not gone to Dragon (SUPID AUTOCORRECT) Alley to accompany Henry to go buy more unicorn horns. Instead, he spent the whole day at the Potter Manor reading the books Rowena had bought him.

He would have gone to Gringotts to enter all of his vaults, but he was not old enough for the inheritance yet. He needed to be of age to do so.

He had been staring at the wandless movements for a disillusionment charm when the door of the Manor had bust open and Henry came rushing inside.

"Harry!" James Potter said sharply. "Your brother invited some friends over! Please treat them with respect!"

Harry looked up from his book, only to be greeted by some red-headed family.

"Hello?" Harry said, before looking down at his book again. The youngest son, studied him with narrowed eyes.

"Who are you?" He demanded.

"Harry. You?"

The boy looked at him, as if to see if he was trustworthy or not. "Ron."

The family of red-headed children consisted of one girl - most likely the youngest - and four boys. There were twins, a older boy who stood in the corner reading a book, and Ron.

While Henry and the other boys played, Harry just sat there staring into space, before pulling out a book and reading.

The book he had pulled out was one of the first-year standard books, and even though Harry was way above that level, memorizing everything inside of the book would be useful, and would also help pass time quickly.

The book, which was called One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore, was extremely long, and lived up to its name. Harry had enough time to finish memorizing two-hundred and sixty-five when they had to eat lunch.

The table which the Potters ate lunch at was ridiculously long, and could fit both the Potters and the Weasleys - Harry thought that was what Lily had called the family's mother: Mrs. Weasley, and probably eight more very large families.

Harry had only managed to scoop up some chicken, salad, and some bacon, as there was way too many people, and way too less food.

When they were done eating, Henry, and the Weasley family's many children - excluding the boy reading in the corner; he had not spoken a word yet - were begging to ride on their brooms for a game of Quidditch.

Harry, who was reading quietly in the corner, was of course dragged into this.

The quite Weasley kid, was not.

The Weasley girl, who Harry found out was named Ginny, was staring wide-eyed at Henry, and Harry figured she must have some sort of crush on him. Harry completely disagreed with having feelings with anyone so young, but did not bother to express his opinion.

The twins were named Fred and George, or Gred and Forge, as they called themselves, and Ron, was, well, named Ron.

There were only six players, so there were three for each team. One seeker, one beater, and one chaser. Henry immediately took the position of seeker, showing off his new broom while he did so. The others had gotten their brooms from the Potter's broom shed, and Harry came up with the conclusion that Henry had gotten a little experience on riding a broom - nothing like him - but it was probably at least something - most likely from James.

Harry didn't care what role he got. With all the practice he had, he could play for any. He was particularly good at the Seeker position - He hoped that no one chose that one.

Fred chose beater.

George chose beater.

Actually, Harry couldn't tell them apart. He basically just labeled one Fred, and one George.

Ron looked disappointed when they decided there was no Keeper, or, er, Henry decided there was no keeper, and settled for Chaser, complaining that he had no experience with the other roles, and he was definitely not meant to be a Seeker.

One person left - Ginny. She looked like the build for a Seeker, but a bit too young; Harry also noticed that Henry was absolutely way too fat to be a Seeker, but it didn't matter to him.

"Chaser," Ginny said, and picked up her broom, running over to Henry's team.

Oh, Harry realized. If Ginny had chosen Seeker, she would have to play against Henry. Oh well. Its her loss.

"Well then," Henry said, looking skeptical, as if he thought Harry had no experience on a broom at all - wait. He probably actually believed that. "I guess you're on a team with Fred and Ron. As Seeker." He stretched out the e, making it sound much like "seeeeaaaaaaker."

Harry thought it sounded sarcastic; it probably was. He had always had a hard time reading people; some were easier than others, like the Weasley girl, Ginny. Others, were really hard: A.K.A Merlin.

The quiet older Weasley boy - wait. When did he come outside? - was leaning on the Potter's Manor, still reading his book. He sighed, flicked his wand, and then the six of them were wearing color coded scarves.

Harry really appreciated this. He would not have been able to tell Fred from George if he hadn't.


Hello and thanks for reading chapter 7 of Forgotten! I'M REALlY MAD AT MYSEF FOR NOT UPDATING. It's been like HALF A MONTH.

For clarification-

His vaults (start of chapter) meaning the four founders and Merlin's vaults

Of age = 18

Still sad Fred died- :'(

Yes quite older book Weasley is Percy. Percy's not usually quiet though, but I wanted him to seem like: Nope I'm a boring kid in the corner reading a book bye-

Yes I was definitely reading a lot of books this week.

- normalpeoplezz

This chapter was 849 (YAY! still not at 1,000) words long (Not including the notes.)

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