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It was two days later, when Dumbledore knocked on the Potter Manor's front door and invited himself inside.

"Hello, Dumbledore," Lily said, tickling Henry as Sirius handled Harry. Sirius and Lupin had been named Harry's godfathers, and Alice and Frank Longbottom had been deemed as Henry's.

"I have some sad news," Albus Dumbledore replied. Lily looked up. "The remains of Voldemorts followers were caught in the act of performing the Cruciatus Curse on the Longbottoms yesterday. They were drove into insanity."

"Alice and Frank?" Lily said, panicking. The Longbottoms were close friends of the Potters. "Is Neville okay?"

"Neville is fine. He is staying with his grandmother at the moment." Lily let out a sigh of relief.

"That is not all I want to talk about, though."

Lily gave him a questioning stare.

"I am afraid Harry may not stay with you."

"WHAT?" Sirius demanded, at the same time Lily said "Harry?"

"Yes. I am afraid that Harry may get in the way of Henry's training, as Voldemort is not truly dead yet."

"Not... Truly dead? What does that mean?" James called, entering the room. Dumbledore sighed.

"Voldemort will never truly die until all of his Horcruxes-" Lily, James, and Sirius gave him a confused, blank stare, "and Henry must be trained to search, destroy, and defeat every one of his remaining souls." He was given even more confused looks at the last sentence.

"Well, why must you take Harry?" Sirius demanded again. "It must not be the reason you gave us. Get in the way. Pfft. Why don't you just take Henry to your almighty school and give him special training there everyday?" Dumbledore gave another long sigh. Everyone gave him a glare that purely said: Stop Sighing.

"I'm afraid that Harry may get jealous and mess things up."

"WHAT?" Sirius roared again. "YOU DON'T SERIOUSLY BELIEVE THAT, DO YOU?" Without sighing, he shook his head in apology.

"Whether you like it or not, it is not your decision. It is James' and Lily's." Sirius shot both of them his If you agree with this crazy old man I'll kill you- glare.

"Where will you send him if we agree?" James asked. Lily looked horrified, and Sirius looked like he wanted to punch James.

"Lily's aunt and uncle's house."

"To Petunia?" Lily said.

"To her aunt and uncles?" James asked.

"TO MUGGLES?" Sirius shouted.

Dumbledore did not deny any of the statements.

It only took a few minutes for James to agree to the plan: Drop Harry off at the Dursleys

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It only took a few minutes for James to agree to the plan: Drop Harry off at the Dursleys. When Harry turns 11, pick him up and introduce him to magic. Lily, on the other hand, kept weeping at the thought of leaving Harry in Petunia's care, and it took hours for Dumbledore to finally convince Lily.

 Lily, on the other hand, kept weeping at the thought of leaving Harry in Petunia's care, and it took hours for Dumbledore to finally convince Lily

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Dumbledore walked on the streets of Little Whinging, and onto Privet Drive. He found number 4, and placed little Harry on the doorstep.

He didn't even say a word when he left; didn't shed a tear; didn't care so much as a shred about the little boy who was abandoned at the Dursley's front step.

Hello and thanks for reading chapter 2 of Forgotten! I hoped you enjoyed this part, though there might have been (I'm not completely sure) some OCC on Dumbledore's part.

Please please please comment on my story. I would love to read them.

For clarification, Yes, Dumbledore actually believes that.

Sirius does NOT agree to the plan.

Sirius refuses to visit James and Lily after this incident, and Lupin is furious (But is WAY better at controlling his temper than Sirius. He showed up just in time to stop Sirius form punching James and Dumbledore.)

If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask!

- normalpeoplezz

This chapter was 533 words long (Not including the notes.)

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