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Merlin just happened to be strolling the streets to little Whinging centuries in the future, using what is known as a time-turner. He was walking on Privet Drive, and saw Dumbledore, the supposed best wizard alive, dropping the Boy Who Lived on a muggle's doorstep.

I swear on my magic, Merlin cursed, casting a wordless wandless disillusionment charm on himself. When Dumbledore was gone, he numbly walked over to the boy and picked him up.

"Now, what in the world was he thinking, leaving you here?" Merlin wondered outloud, scowling. He time-turned back into the founder's time, and apperated into the castles of Hogwarts.

 He time-turned back into the founder's time, and apperated into the castles of Hogwarts

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"Merlin?" Helga said. "Are you holding... A baby?" Merlin sighed and gently handed Harry to Helga.

"Dumbledore," was all he said before he disappeared into what is now known as the Great Hall.

Hogwarts was still in building at this time; The walls were patched and carved, and the ceiling was still boring rock. They were currently constructing the dungeons.

He found Salazar and Godric dueling in what was supposed to be the charms classroom, like usual.

"Ric, Sal," He addressed them.

"I told you not to call me that!" Salazar said. "It is completely undignified!"

"Okay, then, Ric, Salazar," He said instead. "I have just brought the Boy Who Lived back into our time after Dumbledore left him in the care of spoiled muggles." Salazar hissed. "He has mistaken Harry's brother as the Boy Who Lived, and now we are in charge of teaching little Harry."

"I am not babysitting him." Salazar said. 

"Yes, your are.'

"I'll do it," Godric said. "I don't complain like he does." Salazar scowled.

"Great! Now where's Rowena?"

"Fixing the Transfiguration classroom."

"Hey! I have not agreed to this... this plan."

"Yes, you have now," Merlin replied, stalking out of the room and toward the constantly changing twisting stairs of Hogwarts.

Rowena, like Godric said, was in the Transfiguration classroom. she was just duplicating the tables and desks when Merlin walked in.

"Yes, Merlin?" Rowena said, pointing her wand at a chair and duplicating it. She turned around.

"Dumbledore has made a grave mistake."

"Dumbledore?" Rowena asked. "How far into the future did you go?"

"To the 1980s."

"1980s..." Rowena mumbled. "Ah, yes. Dumbledore and Voldemort, was it? And the Boy Who Lived?" Merlin nodded.

"Dumbledore has chosen the wrong boy."

"The Potters had twins?"



"Harry and Henry Potter."

"And which one is the boy who lived?"


"And why have you came here to discuss him?" Merlin sighed.

"As Dumbledore has chosen wrong, he has left the real Boy Who Lived on a Muggle's doorstep."

"WHAT?" Rowena said, shocked. She had readied herself to duplicate a table, as her points had been recharging during their conversation, but her arm fell limp, and she turned around. "He did WHAT?"

"Leave him on a Muggle's doorstep."

"And Harry's parents agreed to this?"

"It seems so; they would hardly let him take Harry away without permission." Rowena looked disgusted.

"Now, I wish for all four of you; Helga, Salazar, and Godric; to help with taking care of little Harry. Alas, I must return to my time. I, hopefully, will visit in just a few days."

Rowena had agreed on teaching Harry Transfiguration, Arithmancy, and Charms

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Rowena had agreed on teaching Harry Transfiguration, Arithmancy, and Charms.

Helga was teaching Herbology, Astrology, and Ancient Runes.

Godric: Dueling, Defense against the Dark Arts.

Salazar: Dark Arts themselves, Occlumency, Legilimency, and Potions.

Harry taught himself flying, and all four of the founders had agreed that Harry was hopeless for Divination.

They soon found out about Harry's ability to talk to snakes, and Salazar quickly introduced Harry to his Basilisk.

Harry was learning fast; he had mastered so many spells, he indeed was above Merlin's level, to Merlin's own surprise. He had congratulated Harry by giving him a customized book that he wrote just for Harry, consisting of all the greatest spells Harry could use, based off of his skills.

Harry was great in all his classes, so that basically meant it consisted of everything.

He was extremely talented in flying, which none of the four founders, or Merlin, were particularly good at, so they decided to add a flying class to the curriculum.

Harry also helped design the ceiling of the great hall, a crystal clear top with floating candles. Salazar had created him his own study room, dueling room, and Godric took Harry's idea of a room that appeared when you needed it most.

When Harry was eight, he and Rowena enchanted Godric's hat to make his decisions, as Godric was unable to do so.

It was only a matter of time when Harry reached his eleventh birthday; The day he would have to depart.

Hello and thanks for reading chapter 3 of Forgotten! I hoped you enjoyed this part! Comment if I got the personalities of the 4 founders wrong.

Please please please comment on my story. I would love to read them.

For clarification, They found out Harry was a Parseltougue when he was caught talking to a garden snake.


Harry also designed the common rooms and dorms, much to his delight.

Merlin usually visits twice a week.

Also, Salazar really likes Harry, unlike his "First Impressions." (Especially after he proved his intelligence and after he found out Harry could talk to snakes.)

If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask!

- normalpeoplezz

This chapter was 774 words long (Not including the notes.)

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