Chapter 12

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Recap of the last chapter

Mae ends up seeing her parents after two years, Mia gets into an accident and Mae stays by her side waiting for her to recover. It's been a couple days since the accident. 


Mae sat with Mia reading her a story about a forbidden love story between an angel and a demon. Angels and demons were enemies, fighting in a war that lasted for centuries. Until one day an angel and demon met. They instantly fell in love. They both hated that their families were at war with each other, not even knowing the reason of fighting. They spent a lot of time together and fell even deeper in love and married each other in secret. But when their families found out about their relationship, they were angry and went to find them. They tried to kill their lover and they fought to protect the person they love. The angel ends up getting stabbed by the demon's father and holds their lover in their arms, crying while trying to stop the bleeding. But the demon knew the angel was going to die soon. So, the demon took the dagger and stabbed himself in the heart. They both died in each other's arms. After seeing the love they had for each other and dying for the other, the war between angels and demons ended along with them. It's like a Romeo and Juliet story, except its demons and angels.

Mae closes the book after reading it all. Mia has always liked stories like this. She loved the love story between the characters. Mae was more into action than romance, but at times read romance stories with Mia. Mae sighs, setting the book down and rubbing Mia's hand.

In another place

It was almost completely dark, no light seen anywhere. A young girl was standing there in confusion. Mia looked around hoping to find anything. Nothing was in sight, not even a person. It seemed like she was inside a castle or chapel. She finds a door right in front of her with strange patterns on it. She walks forward and opens the door. Mia stares at the door before opening it. Behind the door, she finds a body of water. She steps out the door and feels the sand between her toes. When she turns back, the door had disappeared. She walked along the sand for what felt like miles. Soon coming across a chair that sat a few feet from her. Mia stares at the chair in confusion. 'Why would a chair be here?' Mia thought. Suddenly she hears a voice behind her saying, "Welcome Mia."

She turns around to find a man dressed in all white. The man was just smiling at her, not doing anything. He was a pale man with red hair and blue eyes. He wore a suit, looking as if he was coming back from a wedding. 

"Who are you?" Mia asked. "What am I doing here? Am I dead?"

"No, you're not dead my child. My name is Balthazar and you are in The Inbetween."

"The Inbetween? What's that?"

"It's a place between heaven and earth. You are here because you were in an accident."

"A accident?"

"You had saved a young child, but you got hit by a car."

"How is this even real? Why are you here?"

"I'm here to help you."

"Help me what?"

"Discover your feelings."

"My feelings?"

"Yes. Your feelings for your friend."

"I don't have feelings towards Mae."

"I never said which friend or what kind of feelings I was talking about, did I?"

Mia realizes she exposed herself and stays quiet. Balthazar just smiled. But Mia was still confused as to why he was helping her. 

"Why do you want to help me?"

"Cause it's my job. Now are you completely sure you don't have any feeling for her? (silence) I want to show you something."

Balthazar takes Mia's hand and leads her towards the water. He keeps walking until the water is up to their waist. Then pulls her under with him. Instead of being underwater, they are in a room. There was a tv in the middle of the room. It turns on and Mia sees herself in her room at her parents' house.

"What's this?" she asked.

"This is back when you lived with your parents. A couple years before you moved out. This is when you started to discover your feelings towards Mae started to change. Now watch."

Mia looks back to the screen. 

She sees young Mae enter the room and lay down on the bed next to Mia, staring at the ceiling. They both sat there in silence, neither one saying anything. Mia turned towards Mae and saw the sun shining down on Mae's face. It made her look more beautiful than before.  Her eyes and skin seemed to shine brighter. Mia stared, admiring her looks. Then Mae suddenly looked at Mia and it was as if time stopped for her. She couldn't focus on anything but Mae's eyes. 

But their moment ended when Mia's mom walks into the room. The girls turn away from each other and looked to the woman standing at the door. She stared at the both of them before saying, "Did I interrupt something?"

"No mom. You didn't," Mia said. "What's up?"

"There's cookies and juice downstairs if you want any.

"Thanks mom," Mae says. Susan(Mia's mom) lets Mae call her mom as Mae was like a second daughter to her. Susan nods and leaves the room.

Soon the screen turns black before going to another memory. It continues on, showing little moments of Mia realizing more and more about her feelings towards Mae, but tried to push away. Then it shows a memory of when Mia and her mom talked.

Mia went to the backyard as her mom told her to go there when she got home. She sits in the chair next to her and looks to her. Susan sighs before saying, "Mia, I've noticed that the way you interact with Mae has changed."

Mia's eyes widen in shock. She didn't think that anyone noticed anything. Mia was about to speak when Susan interrupted.

"Mia, answer me honestly. (turns to Mia) Do you have feelings for Mae?"

Mia looks down and her shoes, not meeting her eyes. Susan sighs. "I'm not mad." Mia looks up at her. "It's ok that you like her Mia. I just wanted to be sure. How long?"

"Not that long," she replies. 

"Are you planning to tell her?"

"No. I can't. How do I know if she likes me back? Also, what would other people think with two girls in a relationship together?"

"You shouldn't care about what other people think. This is your life, it's not any of their business who you like or not. You know, I used to be in the same situation as you. And because I was so worried about how people would react towards us, I ended up losing them. They moved on already. They couldn't wait for me anymore."

"Mom, I didn't know."

"The only person who knows about this story is your father. He was my friend at the time. He helped me and eventually, I fell for him. If you like her, don't worry about others."

The tv stops playing and Mia turned to Balthazar. 

"Answer me honestly. Why do you want us to be together so bad?" Mia asked.

"I've seen too many people suffer from seeing the person they love with someone else. And I know that if you don't confess to her soon, she's gonna move on and find someone else. And you'll only hurt yourself not telling her the truth. You need to tell her before it's too late."

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