Chapter 2

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Here is the next chapter of 'Opposites Attract.' Sorry it took a long time to post. Enjoy

It was fifth period and Mimi and Mae were in history class. The teacher was going on about the civil war that Mae wasn't really pay attention to as she was drawing in her book. She already learned about this stuff from her parents. Suddenly there's a knock at the door. The teacher walks over and opens the door. Behind it was the headmaster of the college. He whispered in Ms. Lee's, the teacher, ear. She nods and looks at Mae and Mimi.

"Miss Gretchen and Miss Chase, Mr. Henry wants you in the office."

Mae rolls her eyes and looks up from her book. She packs up her things and leaves the room with Mimi. They both walked to the office with Mr. Henry in front of them. Mae had an idea of why they were called to the office. He opens the door for them to walk inside and Mae was right. She saw Bobby in there with bruises all over his face and a cast on his arm. She smirks to herself seeing Bobby shaking look at her. The girls sat down away from Bobby. Mae looks innocently at the headmaster.

"Mr. Henry, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, what is it?" he said.

"Why have we been called here?"

"You both have been called here because Bobby claims that you have beaten him in the boys' locker room."

Mae's eyes widen in fake shock.

"Bobby was beaten? What happened?"

"Don't pretend you don't know," Bobby says. "You did this to me."

"Headmaster. I have no idea what he's talking about. I wasn't anywhere near him."


Bobby groans in pain.

"Alright. Calm down. Now, explain what happened Miss Gretchen."

"Nothing. I just came into the school and people saying that I slept with Bobby. I found out that Bobby spread the rumor about us sleeping together last night. I wasn't even with him that night. I was at home."

"Do you have anyone to back up your story?"

"Yeah. My friend. She can back me up."

Suddenly they hear a knock at the door. Mr. Henry tells them to come in. The door opens to reveal Mia along with another woman a little older than Mia. They greet themselves to the headmaster. Mae finds out that the other woman is Bobby's sister. When the headmaster called them, he explained everything that happened including the rumor. They both sit down and the headmaster begins talking.

"So, the reason I brought you guys here was because Mr. Jones here believes that Miss Gretchen has beaten him in the locker room. I wanted to talk to you all together."

"Sis, look at what she did to my face," Bobby whined. "And she broke my arm."

"Sir, I really don't know what he's talking about. I never did the things he said I did."

"She's telling the truth," Mimi says. "I was with her the whole time and she hasn't seen Bobby at all today."

"They're lying sir. They just don't want to get in trouble."

"Alright, let's ask the boys that were there in the room."

Mr. Henry picks up the phone and calls the front desk telling her to bring the boys in. After a while, the door opens revealing 3 boys there. They bow their heads to the headmaster.

"Boys, I'm gonna ask you a few questions. I need you to answer honestly."

The boys nod their heads.

"What happened while you were in the locker room?"

A boy named Jack, starts out. "Well, we were just having a conversation about the game last night and talking about how we could better ourselves since we felt like we didn't do well. Then suddenly we heard shouting."

"Who was shouting?"

"Bobby," James, another boy, says. "He was screaming about something crazy. I couldn't really understand him."

"He was stumbling around the room as if he was drunk," Sky said.

"I didn't do...."

"Don't talk unless it's your turn to talk," Mr. Henry interrupts. "Continue."

"He was mumbling and then picks up a lacrosse stick and starts hitting himself in the face with it. He kept shouting like he was mad and started punching himself in the face. Then he ran into a wall and passed out after that."

As Sky was talking, Mae had a smirk look on her face, hiding it from everyone and Mimi saw it. Bobby was fuming in anger at what they said what happened. The headmaster ends up believing them as the doctor had told him that Bobby may have a concussion from the blow and it could cause memories to be jumbled up. After that, they all left the room, Bobby trailing behind his sister trying to explain it all. They make it outside and she stops to turn to him. She then slaps him across the face. He stops talking in shock.

"What are you dumb? Huh?"

"Sis, they're lying about what happened. I know what I saw. My reputation is going to be ruined because of them."

"I know they were lying."

"You.... what?"

"I knew."

"Then why didn't you say anything?"

"Because you need to be taught a lesson. Why did you think it was ok to spread a rumor like that? You know, I'm glad that they're making you seem crazy. Hopefully after this, you'll learn how to respect people. You think it's funny or fun to do things like this to people? What if someone said these things about me? You didn't think things through. I'm not helping you this time. Figure it out on your own. I'm done with you. I can't believe you're my brother. This man before me is not my brother. My brother wasn't like this."

She then walks to her car and drives off without him.

After school

By the end of the day, everyone found out what happened and made fun of Bobby for it. They were all mocking him. Mae invited Mimi to come over to her house and Mia let them as she had something to do anyways. When Mimi arrived, they both sat in the living room talking about what happened at school and were laughing. Then Mimi changes the subject.

"Did you tell her yet?" Mimi asked Mae.

"Tell her what?" Mae asked.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. About the thing. Did you tell her?"


"No? Mae, how long are you gonna keep this secret? You're gonna have to tell her eventually."

"I know. I just....I don't know how she'll react. What if she reacts the same my parents did?"

"Mae, she's nothing like your parents. She won't do something like that. Trust me."

"Not yet. I'm not ready. So, are you staying over tonight?"

"Yeah. My parents are out of town today. Went to visit Auntie Sarah."

They spent the rest of the day talking about other things until Mia got home and cooked them dinner.

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