Chapter 11

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Mae had decided to go walking out in the park to clear her mind as she was thinking about a lot of things. She kept thinking back to the night when she had kissed her best friend. No matter what she did, that moment would always appear in her mind, making her lose focus. She would often space out during class and would get yelled by the teacher or Mimi would be shaking her out of her thoughts. She would always ask what's wrong, but Mae would never reply.

Mae sighs to herself as she continues to walk around the park. She looked around and so many memories of her and Mia come to mind. They used to come here when they were in middle school and eat ice cream or something sweet while on the swings. They would talk about the weirdest things that happen to them during school or at home. 

Mae smiles at the memory. She looks up and suddenly stops. Her whole body freezes for a second, staring out in front of her. Looking at a couple standing a few feet from her. The couple stares back at her in shock. It was her parents. Mae's parents were staring back at her. Mae balls up her fists and turns the other way to leave. She hears her parents calling her name but she's not listening. Then Mae's dad grabs her arm to stop her walking away. Mae glares at his hand then looks up at his face.

"What?" she said in a cold tone.

"Margaret. I..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Mae's phone rings. She pulls her arm from her father's grip and answers the call. It was Mike calling her. After a few minutes, Mae starts running. Mae's parents look at each other confused. They both decided to follow her to see what was wrong.

Mike's House

Mae rushes into the house, not bothering to close the door. A young woman comes up to Mae and leads her down the basement, knowing where she needed to go. When she gets there, she rushes down the hallway until she got a room and bust open the door. When she did, she saw Mia laying on a bed with bandages wrapped around her body. Brusies all over her face and hands and stitches in her head. Mia was in shock by the scene in front of her. She looks over to Mike who was standing near the bed. She hears footsteps coming towards the room but she's not focused on them. 

"What happened?" Mae asked trying not to cry. Mike sighed before telling her what had happened.

"She was on her way back from work since she got off early. I asked her to hang out with me and she said yes. We talked about a couple of things. Suddenly we spotted a kid in the middle of the road crying. Mae saw that a car was speeding down the road, heading for the kid. The car looked as if it was going out of control and the drive wasn't able to stop. Mae rushed and pushed the kid out the way, but she got hit. I quickly rushed her back here and patched her up."

(You're probably wondering, "Why didn't he take her to the hospital?" Well, basically, Mike has his own little hospital in the basement of his house and that's where he has some workers there to help out and they live in the house with him. They are people who weren't able to get their own house and didn't have anywhere to go.)

Mae immediately hugs Mike. He hugs back.

"Thank you for taking care of her," Mae thanked him with tears.

"Of course," he chuckled. "Anything for my sister-in-law."

Mae just blushes from Mike's comment. He then notices his parents standing at the door looking at them. He pulls away from the hug and says, "I'm gonna be in my office. If you need anything, ask Helga(the maid)."

Mae nods and sits on the chair near the bed. Mike leads his parents out the room and closes the door behind him. Now the room was silent, except for the beeping coming from the monitor. She just stares at Mia, not saying anything. She reaches out her hand to touch Mia's and lays her head in her lap.

The next day, Mae wakes up to someone shaking her. She slowly rises her head up and looks to the person shaking her. It was her brother. She gives him a tired smile and he smiles back.

"Hey Mae," he said.

"Hey," she replied.

"Did you sleep ok?"

"Yeah. What time is it?"

"7:30 in the morning. Get up and change your clothes. Then come upstairs to eat."


"She's not going anywhere Mae. She'll be here when you get back so come on."

Mae nods and gets up from the chair and heads upstairs. Helga hands Mae some old clothes and Mae thanks her before going into the bathroom. When she was done, she headed down the stairs to the dining area and sits down. When she did, she noticed Mike sitting with their parents and a few people who were working in the hospital. Mae recognizes some of the workers and greets them. They greet her back with a smile. During the whole breakfast session, Mae has been ignoring her parents and they know why so they don't try to start a conversation as they know that she would just blow up at them. They didn't want to talk to her in front of everyone. Mike watched this and sighed. Then Maddie comes down and Mae rushes into her arms making her chuckle. 

"Hey you," she said with a smile on her face. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm good Maddie. Hey Maddie, I have a question for you."

"Sure, what is it?"

"When are you going to make me an aunt?"

As soon as those words left her lips, Mike chokes on his coffee and his workers let out a small laugh. Maddie looks to Mike and smirks at him. Without taking her eyes off him, she says, "Don't worry. We'll work on it today. Won't we Mike?"

Mike clears his throat and says sure. The smirk doesn't leave her face. They both go back to the table and continue eating. Later that day, Mae comes back from shopping with Maddie as she wanted her to relax and not worry too much about Mia. But she can't help but worry about her best friend/crush. Days go by and Mia hasn't woken up yet. Most of the time, Mae stayed by her side, rarely leaving unless Mike or Maddie tell her to. Mike had called her off school for a while. Mimi heard what happened and comes to visit whenever she was free. After a while, Mike got Mae to go back to school, saying that she could come here after school to see her. She ended up moving into Mike's house until Mia was better. During those times, Mae's parents were still trying to talk to her, whether it was when she got home from school, the store or during dinner, but she was either pretend to not know them or walk away. But they never gave up. They wanted to apologize for their behavior towards her liking a girl and not the boy they wanted for her. They realized how wrong they were when Mae didn't come home after the argument like they thought she would.

There are a few more chapters until this is over. I hope you all like this story.

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