Chapter 10

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After last night, Mae had stayed in her room, not coming out. She lied in her bed in silence, thinking back to the events of last night. She was disappointed. Disappointed in herself. 'How could you kiss her like that Mae?' she scolds herself. Now she thinks Mia may never talk to her again after what happened. But, oh, how wrong she is. After a while of Mae scolding and blaming herself, she hears a knock at the door. For a second, she thought it was Mia and was going to ignore her until she heard a familiar voice. It wasn't Mia's.

"Can I come in?"

Mae quickly sat up and rushed to the door. When she opened the door, she saw Mike standing there. He smiled at her and pulled her into a hug, bringing them back into the room and closing the door. Then they pull away.

"Hey little sis," Mike said. "How are you?"

"Mike, what are you doing here?" Mae asked.

"Cause I wanted to see my little sister. Is that wrong?"

"No. But there's another reason you're here. What is it?"

Mike sighs as she was spot on with saying that he was here for another reason. He brings her to the bed where they both sat facing each other. He takes her hands and says, "Mia had called me and said that you haven't been out of your room. Want to tell me what happened?"

Mae looks away from him, too scared to answer his question. What if he reacted the same as mom and dad? What if he doesn't want to see me again? All these thoughts were going through her head until Mike grabbed her hands bringing her out of her thoughts. 

"Margaret, you can tell me. What is it?"

"So you know how I was kicked out the house and came here to live with Mia?"

Mike nods.

"Well, do you know the reason why I was kicked out?"

"Because you refused to marry the boy they wanted you to marry."

"That's only part of it Mike. That's part of the reason I left home. I had told them that I liked someone and that someone wasn't a boy. It was a girl."

Mae stopped for Mike reaction to what she just said, but he has no reaction on his face. It's still the same concerned expression. She continues. "I told them that I liked a girl, and they told me that it was unacceptable. We got into this argument. They told me that liking a girl and marrying her would ruin their reputation. They didn't care whether or not I was happy with the marriage. Then dad told me to leave. Mom said that I wasn't allowed to come back until I started liking boys and are willing to marry the boy they want for me. So, I went upstairs, packed my bags and left the house. I haven't seen them since."

Mike doesn't say anything and pulls his sister into a hug. Mae was a bit shocked. She thought that Mike was gonna react the same way and want nothing to do with her. But got the opposite of what she thought. Mike pulls back and smiles at her.

"Finally you realize this."

That statement made Mae really confused.

"What do you mean?" she asked, furring her eyebrows.

"I knew you liked girls before you yourself figured it out."


"You do realize who you're talking to, right? I figured it out a little while after you met Mia. I knew it since then. So did you confess to her yet?"

"(shakes her head) No. But I kissed her last night. I haven't talked to her since. It's the reason I haven't left my room. I don't want to hear her reject me."

"When Mia gets home from the store, you two are going to talk. It's better to talk and get rejected than ignore each other and get hurt. I will lock you both in the house if that's what it takes to get you two to talk."

"Thanks hyung."

Soon Mia comes back from the store and Mike leaves the house so the two could talk to each other about last night. The girls sat in the living room not talking for a while. They kind of felt a little awkward sitting like this. Suddenly Mae spoke up.

"Ok. I'm just gonna come out and say this. I know it's strange but I like you Mia. And not in a friendship way. I felt something different around you. I started to notice a lot of things that I didn't really notice before. The way your eyes would shine when you were really happy. How you poke your cheek with your tongue when you were focused on something. You play with your shirt when you're nervous. A lot of things."

"When did you realize your feelings for me?" Mia asked.

"About a year before mom and dad kicked me out. I didn't tell you cause I wasn't really ready to tell you. I was afraid of you leaving me after I said it. If you don't feel the same, I'll understand. I won't ever force you to like me. I'll respect your decision."

"I'm sorry Mae. I don't have the same feelings for you as you do me."

Mae looks down in disappointment. Some part of her wanted to see if she was lying about not having the same feelings. Staring into her eyes, trying to find the lie. But she knows that most people would feel this way when they are rejected by their crush. She sighed when she couldn't find that she was lying.

"It's ok Mia. You don't need to like me that way. As long as you're still by my side, it's enough for me."

Mia could tell Mae was upset by her answer, but doesn't say anything. Mae wipes the tears from her face and stands up from the couch as she asks, "What did you buy at the store? I hope you bought some stuff for dinner."

Mae walks away into the kitchen. Over the next few days, the conversation the girls had never came up again. Whenever Mia tried to talk to her about it, Mae would try to change the subject or make up an excuse to leave the house. She was avoiding it, not wanting to talk about it again. Mia knew she was upset about it. But she wanted to talk to her. 

What do you think will happen next? Will Mae keep avoiding it or will they finally talk about it again? Tell me in the comments.

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