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"Tessa, Zill, you're up first."

"What?!" The two exclaimed as they looked at each other in shock.

"Get a move on you two. We have a lot to get through."

The two teens looked at each other not knowing what to say. After a moment, they nodded and made their way to the arena.

Tessa stood on the left side and Zill on the right.

At the sound of Go striking a gong, the fight began.

"Good luck to you, Tessa. May the best fighter win." Zill charged towards Tess with his dagger in hand.

Before they knew it, they were jumping backwards to avoid the dagger that sliced across the air in a flash, grazing Tess's hair as they jumped back.

"Whoa-ho! You're quick on your feet, Tessa. I didn't think you were so fast."

"Heh, guess all the training with Zay payed off," they thought while scanning around the area to devise a plan of action. "Hehe, yeah. You're faster," they replied with a chuckle.

"Thanks. It's definitely a handy ability," he commented before charging at Tess once again.

"But not fast enough!" Tessa bolted into the air using their hands to create a stream of vibration waves to propel themself above Zill. After a moment they started to dive down while directly over him.

Just as Zill was about to move and get out of range of them, he noticed Tessa was unarmed. Questioning why they wouldn't be shooting at him with their stun-gun while airborne, he forgot all about the fight for a moment and stood completely still.

Tess noticed Zill's position and smirked, "Perfect," they thought.

They propelled themself forward in that same moment, causing them to fall faster through the air.

Within a matter of moments Tessa landed on Zill and sat on his stomach, holding a knife to his throat, "Got'cha." They flipped the training knife over and tapped his head with the hilt of it.

Zill laid there, blinking repeatedly," Whaaaat?? When did you get a knife?!"

Tess giggled before responding, "A magician never reveals his secrets," they winked.

"You're not even a magician?!"

"The victor of the first round is Tessa! Great fight you two. It was very impressive. Especially your final move, kiddo," Go commended with a cheery smile.

"Thanks, Go," Tess replied with a smile.

They climbed off Zill, stood up and made their way off the arena. Zill followed behind hollering, "Tessa! Tess! Tessaaa! Wait up! That was awesome! I never even saw it coming!!" He blabbered on and on.

"Honestly, it wasn't anything that impressive. I've gotten to be around you and observe you all day, so i could deduce certain information. It was just a lucky guess that worked out," they chuckled.

Zill blinked rapidly, "Are. You. KIDDING ME?! That was seriously awesome! You were pretty much able to predict what I'd do! And having an extra weapon I didn't know about?! Genius!"

"Heh-heh, if you think that was impressive, you should meet Zay."

"Who's Zay?"

"He's my best friend. I've known him since I was 4 and've been living with him and his mom for 8 years now. He's pretty much my older brother."

"Oh—you think I could meet him?!"

"I don't see why not," they chuckled again, "he'd probably like you."


"Alright! The next two will be," Go reached her hand back in the barrel and pulled out two names. "Clara and Vira."

"Who's Clara?" Bow asked.

"This lovely little lass right here."

Go pointed to a short girl standing in the back. She had long, fluffy, white hair and eyes as blue and as clear as a diamond.

"I didn't even know she was in our class!!" Everyone thought in sync.

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