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The students returned dressed in the black attire they were given, then proceeded to fallow Go as instructed.

She lead them down different hallways, eventually leading to a set of brown double doors.

"Here we are. Your journey starts here. Behold," she said as she pushed on the doors, causing them to open slowly.

As the doors crept open, a bright light could be seen coming from the other side. The teen's eyes widened from suspense, all of them letting out a, "Whoa."

The doors opened wide, revealing a large, open field with what appeared to be some kind of arena in the near distance. There was various different equipment laying off the the side and training weapons near the arena.

"Welcome, Kiddos—to your training ground."

Zill blinked a few times before saying, "This."

"Is," Vira continued.

"Awesome," Tessa finished.

"This is awesome!" The three exclaimed in synchrony.

Go let out a chuckle before explaining what the purpose of being in the field was, "The goal here is to learn each other's strengths and what you can do for your team. Whether that's a special power, raw talent, your ability to strategize, etc. you need to figure out what your assets are. Any of you may choose a combat weapon and I'll teach you how to use it. I highly recommend choosing one if you don't possess a power or a powerful ability. But, even if you do possess a powerful ability, you may still choose a weapon. I suggest one that works well, or even enhances your already existing talents. Go choose your practice weapon then come over to the arena and I'll explain what's next."

The teens nodded in response then proceeded to to find a weapon that best suits them.

"I think i'ma go with a dagger or maybe a pocket knife," Zill said happily.

"Why's that?" Tess asked.

"'Cause, my ability allows me to move as fast as lightning. Having something small like a dagger to use up close or even as a projectile would be really handy, don't you think?"

"You're totally right! That's actually really smart, Zill."

"I know," he replied with a giggle. "What are you gonna pick, Tessa?"

"Hmm, I might pick a stun-gun. Y'know, just to have a backup plan in case something goes sideways."

"Ooh! I know they're using stun-guns for protecting, but I'm pretty sure they give you real ones for combat. Are you gonna use a real one as your weapon in a real fight?!"

"Mm, probably not. I don't like the idea of hurting someone.. It's all I can really manage just to use my powers against someone," They chuckled awkwardly as they rubbed the back of their head.

"Huh- well okay then," Zill shrugged then looked to Vira, "what about you, Vir? What are you gonna pick?"

"Oh, um, I'm not going to get one. I'll do just fine with the abilities I have," she replied with a sweet smile.

"Makes sense. And if I'm being honest, I can't really see you holding a weapon anyway."

"Uh- thank you?"

"You're welcome?"

"Why'd you say it like that?" Tess asked with a blank expression.

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you say 'you're welcome' so confused?"

"I don't know."

"Well- were you giving Vira a compliment or not?"

"That's the thing.. I don't even know!"

"Zill!!" Vira and Tessa yelled together before the three of them start laughing.

After everyone got the weapon of their choice, they headed over to meet Go so they could learn what to do next.

"Alright, I see quite a few stun-guns, small knives and ooh! A longbow! A bold choice, Alex."

"Thank you, Ma'am."

"Ehm!" Go coughed and raised her eyebrow.

"Oh, I mean thank you, Go."

"There you go. Now, back to business. See this stone arena? You guys are going to fight each other on it. The rules are simple; the first person to hit their opponent with their ability, and, or weapon wins. The victors of each round will continue forward and eventually there'll be a showdown between the two who beat out all their adversaries. Oh! And you can't leave the arena. If you force your opponent out of bounds and no one has been hit yet, the fight will reset."

Zack then raised his hand and waited to get Go's attention before asking, "How will you be able to determine who in fact struck their opponent first?"

"Excellent question, Zack. Would you mind if I ask you one?"


A smug smile started to spread across her lips, "What do you think those uniforms are for?"


"Yes! These uniforms I gave you all aren't just for show. These babies are designed to change color when when an abnormal force is applied. And due to the fabric they're made of, it provides cushioning against attacks, which should keep injuries to a minimum. Neat, huh?" She grinned.

"Okay—but how-."

"Will it be determined who's fighting against who? Simple, my dear boy. I've placed papers with your names on them into this barrel. I'll pick two names at random and that will determine who will be facing who."

"Mm, alright. I have no more questions."

"Then on that note..," Go grinned cheekily as she reached her hand down into the barrel and pulled out two paper slips, "Tessa and Zill, you're up first."

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