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"Roll Call," Go said as she leaned against her desk. "Carter?"

"Here," the blonde-haired boy in the back of the class responded.


"Present," The dark-haired boy answered.

Tessa's interest peaked when they heard the teacher say his name, "Zack.. so that's his name," they thought.


There was no response. She called again, "Ehm, Bow?"

"Here! I'm here!" A boy with frosty blue hair shouted as he rushed through the door.

"You're late. And on the first day. You're gonna be fun to teach," she said sarcastically.

The boy Chuckled, "Sorry, miss."

"Drop the formality. It's just Go, kiddo. Now take your seat."

"Right. Got it, Go," he replied with a perky smile before going to find a seat. "Can I sit here?"

"No. Find somewhere else to sit," Zack said with a stoic expression.

"Oh, great! Thanks!" He smiled cheerfully and happily took a seat next to him.

"What did I just say? Don't you know how to listen? Zack groaned.

"I'm, Bow. What's your name?"

"And there's my answer," he thought. "Well, if you would have been here when Ms. Go was calling attendance then you would know, wouldn't you?"

"Oh come onn. Don't be like that, dude," Bow pouted. "I made it here, didn't I? And also, it's not 'Ms. Go' it's just 'Go'."


"Ha! You 'tch'ed! I win!"

"What are you going on about?"

"Everyone knows when someone says 'tch'," he repeated, mimicking Zack's facial expression, "it means they ran out of things to say and just wanna have the last word."

"You sure are an interesting one, I'll give you that."

"I'll take that compliment."

"Of—course you would."

"If you boys are done chatting it up back there, I'll continue with my Roll Call," Go interjected.

Bow scratched the back of his head, "Uh- right. Sorry.. Again," he replied.

Go let out a sigh, "What an interesting bunch of newbies," She thought. "Alright. Alex?"

"Here," the curly hair boy replied.


"Here..," a soft, quiet voice answered.




"Present," she said shyly.



"Alright, looks like we've got everyone." Go sat down the clipboard and walked around to the back side of her desk and directed everyone's attention to the whiteboard behind her, "Let's begin."

The whiteboard displayed a message on it. It read, "A great operation starts with its members, followed by its title. Think and choose carefully about what you want your team to look like."

Vira then raised her hand and waited to be called on before she spoke, "Um, Go? The stuff you've written on the board.. What does it mean?"

"Ah, I see you've found your first assignment to take home. You're all here for one reason, aren't you? To join a T.A.P. Squad. The first step is to know who you want to work with. Learn what abilities your classmates have, then find another class you want to make a team with and learn their abilities. Then after you've done all that—you have to give your team a name," she answered with a crooked grin.

Zack then raised his had and asked, "For the people who don't have a special power, how will they prove themself to be a valuable asset to their team?"

"Yes, solid question. Thank you. You just reminded me of a few details I left out. The majority of classes here have eight students in each of them. A normal T.A.P. Squad has sixteen members, plus some students from the E.S.S. course."

The E.S.S. is the Engineering and Science, Support course. Their job is to repair vehicles and create support items to help the students on the front lines.

"The E.S.S. students are there as resources. They make special items due to your request, whether it's something to enhance a power you have, or to get a better grasp on a weapon of your choice."

"Wait, wait, wait," Tessa interrupted, "weapon? I thought those were strictly prohibited and only people in M.R. could use them?"

"Mayo has an Armed License, so they can legally supply students with the tools they need to thrive."

Vira raised her hand once more, "One more question, Go. Does Mayo have an actual curriculum?"

"Of course it does, silly," she replied with a chuckle, "but—that's not what where doing today. If you would, please grab the briefcase located inside each of your desks and open it."

The students did as she said and pulled out the briefcases and opened them as instructed. Inside was a black shirt with the Mayo High School logo on the front pocket and on the back in large print, along with a par of black sweatpants.

Go's crooked grin returned, but this time with an added tilt of the eyebrows, "Go to the locker room and change, then follow me to the training grounds."

Everyone looked around at each other for a moment before grabbing the cases and heading towards the door to get to the locker rooms.

A mischievous giggle crept out from Go's mouth as she watched her students make their way out of the classroom, "This is gonna be fun. They have no idea what to expect. Who knew being a teacher would be this fun?" She slapped her knee as she giggled again.

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