Chapter 7 The Fates Adopting Percy and Nico

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(Percy tells Nico the ocean and sea are a soup and Poseidon hears it. The video above ^)

Percy's Pov

"EECK" I yelled and threw a knife from where the clapping was formed. "What the fuck was that for?!" Apollo yells with blood running down his cheek. "HAHAHAHAHA" Nico laughing hard as ever. I bushed "S-sorry Pollo I got scared." I told him, and he turned red like a rose. "How do you throw a knife and grab a sword in a small amount of time?" Aries asked; he gained my respect when I found out he cares for all of his kids even the ones who betrayed them. "When I was younger, I was bullied and abused by smelly Gabe and other groups of people. " I spoke aloud to everyone in the room. " Give me names so I kill them, okay;" Aries told me which made me worry. "Don't worry Ms. Jackson turned him to stone and sold him as a statue for money, so yeah," Nico told him. I don't know how he knows that because we swore on Chao, we would never bring that up. " Can you pretty please sing another song!!" Aphrodite asks loudly. " Sorry, we need to make another song to sing. But we can do that tomorrow lady Aphrodite !" Neeks and I told her at the same time. Everyone was looking at us like we were Geryon. Of course, Nico gets pissed and yelled "WHY THE FUCK ARE LOOKING AT US LIKE WERE GERYON!!" " Nico," I said using my newfound powers. " They're in shock because we said that at the same time." I told him softly calming him down. "tch" The sound Nico as he calmed down from his rage mode.

Time skip cause Nico & Percy are gay brothers

'Where Do Good Boys Go to Hideaway' Was playing in the background as the Fates flashed in. "Hello," they said to us. "Ladies Fates, how is your day?" Nico and I responded.

Fates Pov

"Our day was good, thank you for asking. We are here for the gods and goddesses, do you know where they are?" we asked softly. "Yes, do want us to take you, ladies, there?" Percy asked. "Yes please, and thank you." My sister on the right side of me told the two males. Olympus looks a lot newer than I remembered. The road was a soft-color pavement, with beautiful flowers growing around it and in between the stones. As we walked, most covered the brick walls, we stopped at a waterfall they told us that "We will be crossing the waterfall using the stones we have not yet built the bridge." I nodded to continue. There's only one to cross using someone's carefully trying not to touch once covered with moss, as we continue the water was falling my shoulder and hands, it was like soft kisses on me. As we continued; we got off of the waterfall and continued on a river. There was a giant ravine, but there were flowers across another side it was Meadow beautifully filled with flowers of all types of flowers with a blast color. There was a wooden bridge to cross it we slowly walked getting to the other side. We noticed there was a gazebo, the Gazebo had Moss covered it with flowers hanging upside down from the ceiling, with lights wrapping around the beams and leaves on top of the roof of the gazebo.

I saw all the gods and goddesses eating and talking to each other like they were in their little world. As we walked up to the gazebo and the boys said hello to the gods and goddesses. They introduce us saying we were here for business." Hello, we're here to talk about the new gods and goddesses and what their future is. But first, we would adopt these two boys, Percy and Nico. " "SORRY BUT WHAT" The Deities screamed. "We would like to blood-adopt them because we have done terrible things to these boys but they still show us kindness, love, care, hospitality, and mercy. Meaning they're perfect for us to adopt. So can we adopt them!" We told them. " You can blood-adopt, but only half of them and not full-blood because we love them and they're my favorite/only child." Hades and Poseidon said at the same time. "That's where they got that from." Zeus sighed looking annoyed. "Got what?" Percy, Nico, Poseidon, and Hades asked at the same time. "Nothing just nothing," Zeus told the four.

Percy and Nico's pov

"And that's why we have black hair and our clock-like eyes." We said at the same time. "That's the weirdest shit I've ever heard and I was told about the Greeks!" Leo says about our story. "Romans are just knockoff versions of the Greek." The strolls say to Leo.

(Yall I just did an MS walk for my mom. We did the three miles walk and my mom's friend's baby gave me a high five, her hands are soft and small compared to my hands.)

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