Chapter 5 Change

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          All the deities flashed away with their kids to start the process except for me, Will, Percy, Leo, Hephaestus, and Poseidon. "Do you want to do it together?" I questioned. Poseidon gave a nod. Hades flashed back "Nico where are you? Young man!" Nico responded with "I want to be with my baby brother and boyfriend." "Baby brother?" we said at the same time. "My baby brother is Percy, and my boyfriend is Will" Nico stated. Percy shifted in his sleep making me tense up for a second. "Why don't we do the process altogether," I said as I relaxed. We nod and flash out.

                                    Time skips due to Anteros and Percy lying about being twins.

          I talked them into staying at my place for the process. Percy stirred and slowly started to wake up, he rubbed his eyes and made the most adorable yawn ever. "Hello, and neeks stop putting my pills in my drinks!" Percy told us. " Pills?" Poseidon asks. Nico respond " Yes, pills he takes sleeping pills and antidepressants." "I'm pretty sure he doesn't need them no more." Will told us. " When did he take those?" I asked in a worried tone.  Will responded with " I describe that the end of his first year at camp." Us gods were shocked. " WHY IN THE UNDERWORLD DID PERCY NEED PILLS AT THE END OF THE HIS FIRST YEAR OF CAMP!" I yell. Percy flinched a little in my arms. " Sorry I was shocked and worried about you, alright?" I whisper in his ear. He gave me a soft smile and said, " It's okay you're worried about why I needed those pills." He told me in my ear. " Well, probably because depressed at the start of the bullying, never having friends, abused and-" " Who in the Hercules dumb ass abused and bullied Percy!" I said pissed the fuck off, but I made sure not to yell so Percy don't get scared or jump like before. " That asshat smelly Gabe and random kids at his old schools." Nico spat out. " As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by my father and fiancé, never feeling he belonged." Will shot a glare at me when he said father as Percy giggled cutely. 

 Time skips from Poseidon and Tritan trying to kill Apollo for doing it with Percy.

Third Person

                 The four dads were tied to chairs, and Athena was there to start the godhood life for Leo, Will, Nico, and Percy. As the immorally began the boy never yelled, fought, thrashed, or cry. Athena was worried about why they didn't move or do anything for that matter. Aries came in to join the fathers. He had cheeks stained red and lines on his arms and ankle, Aries looked physically and emotionally drained. "Lord Aries, are you and Clarisse, okay? Or she's still in her war face?" Percy asked with no emotion like he didn't care. " She's not in her war face, she is crying and begging me to stop it, can- no couldn't take it anymore. You boys should do the same instead of showing no pain makes it harder for us parents." The war god told the young men. Leo's face was the first to break down crying. Will started to beg his dad to heal him from the pain. Nico was yelling for his dad to make her stop. Percy was the only one who didn't do anything. The ground began to shake, water was flooding the places and terrible storms came.

       Apollo broke free of the ropes that holds him. He ran to the boys, flash some nectar, and fed them. All the deities came with soon-to-be goddesses. "BROTHER STOP THIS AT ONCE" Zeus shouted in the middle of the chaos. "THIS IS NOT MY OR MY OLDER KIDS DOING! IT'S PERCY'S" Poseidon yelled but it sounded like talking. It shocked them all but the kids. Poseidon was able to get free of the ropes soon he ran to his son. "Percy, please stop this. It's hurting people. Think about Sally, your mother, half-sister, and your stepdad. Your friends." "My friends are my family, and they're right here," Percy told Poseidon. " Apollo get your shining ass to Percy and help!" Leo shouted so they could hear.  Apollo went to Percy, and he slowly touched his crush's hand. "Percy we may be here but it's hurting people that can become your friends." Apollo stated rubbing the new god's knucks. The chains fell to the ground as Percy jumped into the sun and water god's arms crying. "I-it hurt s-so much, m-much."  Percy said.

Sorry it so long, school and my birthday was the reason. (January 30) I got this computer for my birthday, and I started to type the story here also Grammarly is getting on my last nerves!!! I will give you a task today to listen to NF because he is my fav artist. bye, Frenchpeople!

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