chapter 2 siblings chat

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Percy: we should make a sibling group chat!!!:D
Anteros: YEAH

Percy added waterchild marriedbutsingle to the chat
waterchild: May I ask why are we in another group chat?
Marriedbutsingle: Ya!? N y is your name Percy & Anteros
Anteros: we gave eachother our real names and thought it was a good idea to make a sibling group chat
waterchild: that idea is dumb as fuck.
Percy: y-you don't like my idea. 'n'
waterchild changed their name to Triton and marriedbutsingle to Kymopoleia
Percy: ^-^ yay
Anteros: >:(
Percy: whats wrong feathers? ('^'<?)
Kymopoleia: how do you stutter through text and seem like a cutie pie?!?!
Anteros: F-feathers?!
Percy: Yes, the god Anteros have beautiful white wings, so I thought call you feathers! Do you like it ?_?
Anteros: I love it Perce. And I'm happy now so don't worry about it.•^•
Percy: kk '^'                                                                                                                                                             Kymopoleia: yall are two peas on a pod!!!


Olympus on crack

if_lost_return-to_water is online
undeadking: Hi
Horseman: hello
if_lost_return-to_water: Hi @horseman and @undeadking
newsungiver: heyyy can you guess what our godly parent is?
Percy: Zeus is allthundernolighting, Poseidon is oceanlover, Hermes is messagethief, Apollo kid newsungiver, Iris kid is rainbowteller, Aries is angerissues, Hephaestus kid is tonystarkbutricher, Dionysus kid is thedrunksibling, Aphrodite kid is hotandpretty, Athena kid is bookworm, Hera adopted kid is marriedkidnapper, Hades kid is undeadking, Demeter kid is farmerqueen, Artemis is one of her hunters menhater, Hestia kid is girlonfire, Hades kid is deadchild, Eros kid is hotandcute Persephone kid is springbaby, Pan kid is originaltreehugger, Helios kid is retiredsungiver, Hecate kid is nightwitch, Heracles kid is fatherlikeson, Poseidon kid is waterchild, marriedbutsingle and waterchild2.0, Nyx-nightowl, finally Charon kid is horseman
Horseman: ......
Everyone (except newsungiver): ^
if_lost_return-to_water: A-am I wrong?
newsungiver: 1st how can u stutter thro text!!!! 2nd no ur right some we thought you would get a least one or two wrong also how u type SOOO fast?
Marriedbutsingle: I asked the same thing!!!
Percy: \ ('-') /

Percy Jackson texts them every day making friends and becoming closer to them, especially with Apollo at the point of telling each other about their real names until one day.

if_lost_return-to_water: hey guys gals and non-binary pals I'm gonna be pretty busy so I might not text y'all for a while.

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