The Birth Of A Superbeing

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After a while, Eileen's body was washed up, and she was presumed dead but she found her way to a Mexican hospital where she was nurtured back to health, it was only over a week ago she was discovered, she's still injured that's the only reason she was able to accompany them, she's with Erina resting, she doesn't even know who Y/N is or that he's helping to save the world from another vampire like she fought 50 years ago and now he's following in his grandma's footsteps

You stand on guard in front of JoJo who's clearly gassed out at this point he can barely hold onto the rope holding Lisa Lisa up

Speedwagon: JoJo! Lisa Lisa!!

Smokey: JoJo doesn't realize that's his mother's life he's holding onto! Maybe we should tell them!

Speedwagon: No...

Smokey: Why not?

Speedwagon: Now's not the time... Are Stroheim and Caesar still fighting the vampires? JoJo and Y/N won't make it up there!

Caesar: We're a little busy!

Stroheim: Are you blind? Look at them all!! It's going to take more than just a minute or two to clear them out!

The soldiers burn away some of the vampires with their UAV lighter while Caesar tries to give them some support with his limited supply of Hamon

Caesar: Dammit! They're everywhere

Suddenly Stroheim and Caesar are surrounded by them

Kars: It looks like JoJo can't hold on much longer... Maybe they'll both fall together?

You sprint toward Kars and try to kick him but you kick his blade instead

Kars: Your legs may be quick, but your movements are very limited being squished between me and JoJo

He slashes your leg and you fly backward knocking into JoJo, whose grip loosens letting Lisa Lisa down a few feet toward the ground

Speedwagon: Y/N landed a kick on Kars, but there was barely any Hamon!

Smokey: We're running outta options!

Kars: Looks like you used the last of your Hamon on that kick and it failed... But perhaps you can muster up some more as a last resort? For one final attack

You stand back up dusting yourself off as JoJo wraps the rope around his hand and Kars slows and walks closer toward you

Kars: Nevertheless, I, Kars, shall enjoy this lovely stroll as I am about to uproot your lives as I would to a delicate flower

Y/N: Dammit!!

Joseph: Oi, Y/N! I've gotta plan

Y/N: What is it?

Joseph: Just follow my lead

Kars tries to slash for your face but you duck the attack angering him

Kars: Quit running away or else I'll be forced to slice away Lisa Lisa's rope

You turn around realizing how close you've backed up to JoJo now only a few feet away Kars holds his blade against the rope

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