Wamuu The Warrior

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Kars: The battle for the Red Stone begins with JoJo versus Wamuu in a chariot duel! The match begins! When the clouds part and the moonlight shines once again!

The army of vampires and zombies chant for Wammu

Joseph: Damn this crowd really won't shut the hell up! Why the hell do the bad guys get all the fans?

Wammu: One lap is 960 meters, these horses can make that lap in one minute, then there's the pillar, each lap we take, a weapon will be hanging from it

Joseph: A weapon?

Wamuu: The one who reaches the pillar first wields the weapon, the weapon for the first lap... A giant hammer!

Y/N: That thing could pulverize JoJo's chariot with a single blow! If Wamuu gets a hold of that things could go from bad to worse for JoJo! But if he gets to it first and charges Hamon through it he'll be in the lead for sure

As you try to analyze you feel a presence behind your back as JoJo gets ready to battle

Athena: Come, Hamon Warrior, we will have that duel

Y/N: But JoJo's already fighting

Athena: That doesn't matter, we're battling each other one against one... There is no rule our battles can occur simultaneously

She looks up at Kars

Kar: Do what you'd like... I'll rest for now

You look back at Lisa Lisa sensei and Caesar

Caesar: Remember our promise, signore... And win that fight!

You nod in his direction

Lisa Lisa: Good luck... Vampire, you'll need it

You smile as your sensei fills you up with some confidence before the fight

Athena: If he was anything like you I'm not that worried...

We return back to JoJo as he and Wamuu prepare for the duel

Wamuu: I look forward to an exemplary fight, JoJo

He lets out a small gulp

Kars: The clouds are now at the moon's edge, the light will soon shine upon us!

Esidisi: I'm looking forward to a good fight Wamuu don't let us down!

The two Hamon warriors look down at JoJo as he hops off his horse

Caesar: JoJo, what the hell are you doing?! The fight is about to begin!

Joseph: I know I know, Caesar-Chan! But the start is key! I'm just checking the rubble near my wheels... Hey, Wamuu! It looks like there's a lot of rubble near your wheels, too... Are you sure you don't wanna clear that up?

They both give each other smirks

Lisa Lisa: JoJo, get up there!

Caesar: It's almost time, JoJo!

The moon clears and illuminates the arena as JoJo finally hops back on his horse

Kars: Start!

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