The Zeppeli Men

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Y/N: Italy isn't half bad, JoJo

Joseph: What is this?!

Y/N: What JoJo?

You look at a plate with contains some black spaghetti covered in a tar-like substance

Y/N: Oh, ew... That looks like black tar on top of spaghetti!

Joseph: Waiter, what is this crap!? Do you expect me to eat this? It's black like mud! What do you think you are trying to pull!? Does this hotel think it can feed me spaghetti with ink inside it?!

Waiter: It's actually called "Spaghetti Al Nero Di Seppia pasta", made with fresh squid ink... That's why it's black, signore

Y/N: Ew, squid ink... Heck no for me!

Joseph: Huh?!

Waiter: Everyone in Italy loves it!

Y/N: Yeah, well I think your consensus is wrong

Waiter: Oh please, it's absolutely delish!

Y/N: I think I'll stick to my American food, no thanks pal

The waiter looks towards Joseph as he reluctantly picks up his fork wrapped with spaghetti

Waiter: Please, signore... Have a taste go on

Y/N: Don't do it, JoJo... It might kill you

But he doesn't listen to your commands and eats the black spaghetti


Your face droops downwards that was not the reaction you expected, but this was JoJo afterall

Y/N: You know, I think I'll just have one of your finest Italian pizzas

Waiter: Signore, we do not sever those here, this is a Gourmet restaurant after all

Y/N: Then I'll just take a water...

Someone from afar at a table who sits with some girl scoffs at you two

!?: This hotel has gone downhill lately... Too many county bumpkins

JoJo looks towards that guy in disgust

Joseph: Look at that Italian bastard... It's midday and he's smooching on this chick in the hotel's restaurant

The Italian picks up a small present box he holds towards the girl

!?: This... Is a present for you, signorina

He sets the present near the end of the table troubling her to reach it

Lady: Why'd you set it at the end of the table like that?

!?: Well... I wanted to see you reach for it, I love to see those hands of yours, so I want to look at them for as long as possible...

Joseph: Yeesh... I can't believe he can say all that with a straight face! Boy, the people in this country sure are something!

Y/N: Yeah you think they'd have some self-control in a restaurant...

She opens the box to see an expensive-looking necklace

Lady: Oh it's lovely!

!?: I have a favor to ask ignoring... Every night, before you get in bed, I want you to think of me when you take this off

Joseph: OHHH NOOO!!!

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