The Training Begins

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After defeating the two master servants it was time for the big leagues and that meant you'd need to follow in JoJo and Caesar's footsteps climbing onto the grueling gasoline-laced tower, the prologue to your trial was just about to begin on Hell Climb Pillar

Y/N: Wish me luck, JoJo

Joseph: Yeah, whatever happens, don't die

Y/N: Yeah, that was kinda the plan... Wait a minute? This thing can kill me?!

Joseph: You'll be fine... It's easy

Caesar: You barely even passed that

Joseph: Hey, shut up Caesar! I'm trying not to scare him

Caesar: You must have resolve if you plan to beat this, it has claimed many lives before

Y/N: Ohh, that's nice...

Joseph: See what I mean?!

Lisa Lisa: If you cannot pass this obstacle then you'll have no place left here amongst this island

The door suddenly opens on the pillar

Lisa Lisa: Now step forward

You're pushed inside the Pitt and fall to the bottom covered in a greasy substance

Y/N: Is this oil?

You look in front of you while sitting in a pool of oil, there lies a huge pillar with oil pouring down the marble pillar

Lisa Lisa: It's twenty-four meters to the top, you must climb only using your bare hands, there is no other way to leave... If you fail to climb to the top this pit will become your grave

Joseph: She's always so heartless!

Caesar: Good luck, signore

He nods down to you just as Lisa Lisa shuts the doors

Y/N: I have to climb this all alone?!!

Hell Climb Pillar, a test of Hamon's stamina and a grueling Hell of pain and endurance

Y/N: Hmm, I gotta use my hands to get outta this mess... But the oil block it off, and the only way I could do this is by using hamon to get out... But where do I infuse it? My hands

You breathe in and try to infuse hamon into your hands and climb up the pillar but eventually, it repels you backward and you splash down into the oil again

Y/N: Dammit, how can I use my hands if Hamon doesn't work? Did I use too much? Is that my problem?

You try again but put a significantly less Hamon through your hands and begin climbing but about ten seconds in and you start slipping from the pillar sliding little by little, so you infuse some more hamon through your hands and disperse it throughout the whole hands and for a moment it worked but you lost the grip and slipped into the oil once again

Y/N: That was a lot closer... For a second I thought I actually had it or was that just a fluke?

You look back up at the pillar and then down at your hands

Y/N: So if I infuse too much Hamon it will repel me from the pillar but if I use too little I'll slip? It means I need the perfect in-between... But how do I figure that out? Do I disperse it all throughout my hands to find out? My palms should support my weight and hold me in place but they don't... So perhaps my fingers, yes they can grip the wall!

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