Picking Up The Kids

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 "Rey??? Darling?? Are you done??"

"Wait! Let me grab my bag!!"

Rey quickly grabs her bag and took one last glance at the mirror before heading to the front door of their house. Jeff is waiting for her at the door, he has a white button-up and black slacks on him, and his hair is parted softly, framing his face. Rey rushes towards Jeff, her white dress which reaches nearly to her ankles fluttering as she heads towards Jeff.

Once Rey stood in front of Jeff, shoes on, bags on her shoulder, and her dress looking beautiful. Jeff grabs her hand and pulls her towards his car, opening the passenger door for Rey before putting their stuff on the car's trunk and then going to the driver's side and in.

"Who should we pick up first, darling?"

"Let's pick up Ta first, he has his class online."

"Okay, then, who's next?"

"Hm, then we go for Code and then Kei."

"Got it. Thanks, darling"

"You're welcome, Jeffy"

Jeff gives Rey a quick peck on the lips before starting his car and driving towards Ta's place. As they drive to pick up Ta, Rey took control of the radio, connecting it to her phone she plays Jeff's song, earning a chuckle from the man.

Jeff has a hand on the steering wheel while the other settles on Rey's lap, his girlfriend jamming to his song and he ends up singing along with her, grinning as Rey is totally immersed in his song.

Soon enough, they arrived at Ta's place with Ta already standing outside his house waiting for the couple to arrive. The moment Ta saw Jeff's car, he starts walking towards it and getting in the backseat. Jeff drives off the moment Ta settled in.

"Hi, Phi!!" Ta greeted.

"Hii, are you done with all your classes?" Rey asked as she turns her body to look at Ta.

"Mhm, I even did my homework!"

"That's great! That means you can play around for the rest of the day" Rey said.

"Mhmm. By the way..."


"Who are we picking up first?"


"Oh okay, I got info that Kei will probably get out of class a bit late"

Rey nodded at Ta, before turning her body back to face the front. She pulls out her phone and text Code, asking if he's done with his classes. Earning a yes from Code, she tells him to tell her where he will be waiting for them as they are halfway towards Code's school.

Code stood by his school entrance, looking around for Jeff's car as he held onto his phone in case Rey decides to call him. Once the familiar car rolls in front of him, he grins behind his mask and shuffles to get into the car.



Code hugs Rey from the backseat, nuzzling his face on Rey's neck, earning a smack in the head from her boyfriend. Code glared at Jeff, before looking at Rey with a puppy eye. Rey pats his head, before nudging Code off of her and sitting in his seat. Code untangles himself from hugging Rey and leans back in his seat.

"Phi Rey?"

"Yes, Code?"

"Are we picking up Phi Kei?"


"How long will it take to get there?"

"Probably an hour"

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