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16 chapters left..

We ain't in a rush gurl .  It's just us girl... Lemme know what's up girl, what's up girl?  Cause I'm about to throw it down, beat it up, going down, eat it up .. take it down..

Chris Brown

This author has no intention of spreading hate...

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Jael pulled up at my mum's house. Looking at this house reminded me of some of the memories that Theo and I had. We had our first kiss in this house, the stables to be precise. I closed my eyes as that day came back to me, I remember I was in a red short gown, I had come for some air after the intense conversation that Theo and my dad had, I remember I was crying when he came over, I couldn't remember the details but I know for certain that a kiss happened. It was hot, I remember that feelings that stirred up, I remember my eyes closed, I remember how he grabbed my lips between his pearly teeth..

"We here" Jael announced

I opened my eyes and the thoughts evaporated, I really need to stop thinking about Theodore. We were no longer together and he had moved on. "Should I tell her?"

My mum had no idea that Theo and I were divorced neither did she know that I was pregnant

"She's your mum" Jael said "If you do not tell her, I won't"

I opened the door and stepped out, smiling at the atmosphere.

"The air here feels different" I commented

Jael grunted as he unloaded my bags down from the car. After my encounter with Theo at the hospital, I decided to go and stay with my mum. My mum was a sweetheart,a real darling but I was not going to risk her mental state by giving her the heartbreaking news of my divorce. My mum and dad got divorced after 7 years of marriage despite all her efforts of trying to keep the marriage together, how could I tell her that I had also suffered the same fate?

"If that's your way of avoiding the topic at hand then you are doing a terrible job" Jael said rolling my boxes past me

"I won't tell her"

"If that's what you think it's for the best"

After putting on my big girl pants, I finally rung the door bell

"Who's it?"

"Come see!!" I squealed happily after I heard my mum's voice

"Farida?..." She opened the door and her eyes lit up when she saw me "Fariddaaa!!!"

She hugged me tightly and I returned with the same energy. I really missed her

"You gon' kill it" Jael whispered near me, making me realize that I was pregnant

"Mum, you are killing me!" I playfully said and she released me before turning over to Jael and hugging him tightly

"Come on in!" She said "Andre!!!"

Andre was the servant that Theo hired to take care of my mum and her stables

Andre rushed over and took my bags from me taking them into the room

"Where's Theo?" Mum asked when we were all seated in the kitchen

Jael looked at me before stuffing his mouth with pancakes and looking away. Coward.

"Theo's... He's around, y'know... Busy... Stuff!"

She turned to face me "Busy?"

I nodded "He's expanding and all..."

She nodded in understanding before turning back to the cooker. Jael looked at me with his brow up

"I didn't see you coming up with any ideas!" I shot back in a low tone

"Jael any girlfriend yet?" Mum asked

Jael choked "Aunt, don't scare me like that"

I laughed. Jael didn't like commitment and he didn't like the thought of having someone wait for you at home , He just wanted to be rich and single.

My mum laughed "Are you and Theo getting along now?"

"You have no idea" Jael replied back smiling at her

"That's very nice, it's good for you both to throw your pride aside and become friends"

"That's not the only thing he threw aside" I muttered

Mum dropped the fried eggs near me. I looked at it and all of a sudden I felt this urge to throw up.

"Excuse me" I quickly dashed out of the kitchen into the bathroom and threw up to my heart's content, I thought I'd vomit my guts too.

"You good?"

I raised my head up and looked at Jael through the mirror "Yeah"


I took his handkerchief and dabbed my mouth after rinsing it

"How do you plan on keeping this a secret if you are going to be getting the morning sickness?"

Honestly, I had no idea. I didn't even know if keeping this pregnancy was the right thing to do but... I had a good feeling about this baby and I was going to follow my heart on this one.

"I will just come up with something" I shrugged

We got back into the kitchen and continued our meal, all while talking and remembering the old times

"Okay ladies, I should get going" Jael said standing up

"Don't leave" I whined tugging on his shirt

"You gon' go to work on my behalf?"

Mum laughed "Drive Safely Jael"

I walked him down to the front door

"I am your 911 remember? Call me if you need anything" Jael reminded

"Yes sir" I joked

He hugged me and I hugged him back, What would I do without Jael?

"Stay safe!" I shouted as he walked away

"Okay mum!!" He replied back

Tsk...tsk... Farida keeping secrets huh?

Farida running away from her baby daddy??

Farida doing the most😂😩

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Lots of love
Lomera 💜

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