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19 chapters left...

Why we ain't friends no more? Why you don't listen no more? Where did all the good gal go? Away, away away

~Perfect by Chris Brown


The author has no intention of spreading hate.

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I sat down in front of Doctor Maureen absolutely nervous. Maureen had on a pair of glasses which hung at the bridge of her nose and a white lab coat that hid what she was wearing underneath, as she went through the papers in her hand. My results.

My palms began to sweat, in an attempt to calm myself down I rubbed them together, my feet then began to drum on the wooden floors, my emotions were all over the  place.

I had never been nervous before, so why the fuck was I feeling nervous?

"Maureen..." I was feeling anxious and her stare wasn't helping the situation so I decided to voice out

"Mrs. Konstantin..." She started

"Farida please" I corrected, I had already divorced Theodore weeks ago and I still had no idea why he hadn't made it public

"Firstly..." She took off her glasses and placed both arms on the table "Have you been noticing any sort of discomfort in your  abdomen?"

I blinked trying to remember "Uhm, some times" I shrugged, I was never one to be interested in my health

"Haven't you been eating properly?" Maureen asked worried

"I try" LIES. I hardly remember to eat unless I was forced ... God!

"You have ulcer" She deadpanned

"Oh.." I wasn't surprised, I had actually been anticipating it


"Is that it? If that's it, I will be on my way" I stood up and walked towards the door in speed, the last thing I wanted was her to tell me...

"You are pregnant" she said stopping my movement

I turned to her in shock not moving from my current position. I anticipated that, I knew I was but I didn't want to believe it.

"You are pregnant, 4 weeks pregnant" she added smiling at me

Fuck! Shit! 4 weeks??

How could I have let this happen?!

My hands clutched my chest and in few seconds Maureen was in front of me

"Are you alright Farida?" Her hands were on my shoulders trying to balance me

No! How could I be alright?!

"Please do not tell Theodore" that was my only concern, I didn't want Theo to know, Only God knows what he'd do if he knows

She nodded "Alright" She handed me the reports

I quickly dashed out of her office, using my phone to order an Uber


Jael and I sat down facing each other as I told him what the doctor's report had said. We were both in his luxurious apartment, the place I had been staying for weeks after my divorce

"So the plan is?" He asked exchanging my drink with his fruit juice. Really?

"I don't know" I said outrightly, using the straw to stir the juice in the glass

"You know you gon' have to tell Theodore right?"

I scoffed "And why will I do that?"

"Uhm, because he the father and you do not have the resources to take care of a child" Jael was too straight forward

I groaned, he was right... I had no money, I was the R in BROKE.

"Will he accept it?" I whispered in fright folding my legs

"And why wouldn't he?"

"He divorced me, accused me of cheating on him remember?!" I thought period cramps were the worst kind of pain but words couldn't describe the pain I felt the day his lawyer accused me of cheating on Theo and handed me divorce papers few minutes afterwards.

Jael nodded "True, but you and I know that you didn't do shit, so that baby in there belongs to him"

I breathed in while shuddering

"Farida" Jael called out calmly making me look at him as tears clouded my vision

"You can do this okay? You are the baddest bitch I know, you shouldn't be a softie now that this baby is on the way, okay?"

I nodded "Okay, I will tell him"

Jael shook his head in a no  "You aren't going to tell him, you will walk into his office whether or not the receptionist allows you, you will walk into his office and tell him exactly what you want"

I smiled, that sounded like what I could do.


He clinked our glasses together "To...?"

"A mission?" I offered

He smiled "To a mission!"

We downed our glasses.

First chapter ladies and gentlemen...

Farida, our main character... Her ride or die, Jael...

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Lots of love
Lomera 💜

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