March 27

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March 27

Dear Annabeth, 

 "The thing about pain is it demands to be felt" -The Fault in Our Stars by John Green 

 I can imagine "Lilly" is quite serious in her letters, she likes to do that a lot. Take things serious. So I will start my letter in quite a different way, through a quote of a banned book. If I'm going to write banned letters for a banned organization using banned technology, I might as well ice that cake and do as I please. 

 So, to what the quote means. I say it because of the truth it rings, but I also say it because it is the closest thing to beauty this world might ever feel. Words are the truest and purest thing left in a world made of clean cut corners and a lack of grey separating the black from the white. Words can be a powerful thing. They can ruin a person, a life, a nation, and hopefully Moneta. So, I will try to use my words in the most powerful sense I can, for a few words ruined my own life. Words were what slapped a cuff on my wrist. Words were what got Facilities written next to my name as everyone else walked into the Panel to get their Career. 

 My name is Amy Poens, and my words might liberate this world. 

For now, I'll tell you that I am trapped in a car with a girl who you can't know the name of, and one who has broken my trust. I'm putting this at the beginning of the letters. The intro into who we are. I want you to know that this does not mean we failed. What it does mean is that there is a Device full of letters in Lilly's hand right now and she's finishing up the final one. What it does mean is that I am sending off the last of the letters to the few left. What it means is that in a few days time you will get a knock on your door and and a girl with a Device will tell you a story. You will get a couple more of those knocks. And with each one you will be able to piece together what you need to take down the Panel. 

 In short, things have gone a little astray, and plans have gotten a little mixed up. So, I get the job of organizing these letters for you in my final moments to tell you what you need to know.I am so sorry Miss Annabeth Ren Athone. I am so sorry for what we have done. My god, I wish I could tell you this all myself. That was the plan, for you to get these words straight from my mouth. But as I said, I am in a crumpled car, on the side of an empty highway, covered in blood. My own blood. And I am so sorry that these are the first words you will know of me when you wake up. I am dying. I can promise you that by the time these letters reach you I will be long gone.I just want you to know that I love you. I know you do not know who I am but please I need you to believe me. This is the last time I can write these words. I love you. So simple. So short. Yet so sad. The last words you will ever hear from a girl you won't even know. And though you do not know me I need you to trust me, to trust us. 

With Love, 

Amy Poens

Sincerely, AnonymousWhere stories live. Discover now