13. sunsets and smoke

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thursday, march 6th

The day passed in a second.

They went to the statue of liberty where Kate used half of the film on her disposable camera, and even Robin took a few snapshots with her polaroid. Everyone was too busy admiring the view to listen to the guide's speech.

Back in the heart of the city, they must've walked a thousand alleys and avenues and streets and visited every single store they saw. Beth had gotten some money for the trip from her parents, but it was mainly for food. Often she settled just for window shopping with Robin, and they both whined about their lack of money.

Ms.Grace let them go their own ways for lunch, as long as everyone would return in time. The group found a little diner, packed into one little booth and got funny looks from the waitress. They chatted and laughed like crazy -and started throwing fries at eachother at some point.

The afternoon included more sightseeing and shopping, and eventually they all went to a pizzeria where Mr.Kennedy had booked the class a table.

The pizza was good. And filling. It was a miracle how they managed to walk back to the hotel.

When they returned, everyone pretty much collapsed to bed. Beth's feet were aching and she was still smiling when she wrapped her blanket around her, listening to her roommates saying 'good night'. Tired but happy. More than ready to enter her dreamland.


Against all the odds, Beth just couldn't fall asleep.

She laid still, staring at the ceiling above her, closed her eyes every once in a while. Sleep just didn't come to her. Was she still too alert and excited due to the day before, or was it was the coca-cola she had drunk keeping her awake? She shuffled and tried to settle down.

Kate started snoring, and Beth sighed and tossed around passive-aggressively.

"Beth!" Someone whispered from the darkness.

Ghosts! was her first thought- but no, it was just Robin. Beth turned around and was suddenly face-to-face with the girl. Robin had her hands tucked under her head and she stared at Beth with wide yes.

"Can't sleep either?"

Relief. She was struggling too.

"Yeah." Beth whispered.

"I got a little idea."

Beth raised her eyebrows.

"Let's go for a walk." Robin said, surprisingly serious, and Beth held a laugh back.


"Yeah. Let's sneak out and walk around a few blocks. It tires you and helps you sleep."

"O-okay. I mean, no- are you being serious?" Beth asked, blinking rapidly.

A small smile was tugging Robin's lips. "Yes. why not?"

"'Why not?' Because.. we can't." Beth chuckled. "Robin, think about it. There's like a thousand things that could go wrong -hell, a million things!"

"I am very aware of that."

Beth stared at the girl with her eyebrows raised, waiting for her to continue and agree that this was a stupid idea and they would be better off continuing their sweet dreams. Or the tossing and turning.

But Robin- Robin was smirking. That couldn't be anything good.

"What's life without a little risk?" The girl said, and Beth smiled in disbelief. "Come on, comply!"

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