2. ooh, drama

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monday, january 12th

It was almost funny, how easily Beth fell back to the never-ending spiral of school. The relaxed, calm feeling that had entered her brain during the winter break, was definitely gone now! It was replaced by stress and a ton of things to remember.

The first schoolweek of 1985 had passed in a rush. Beth swore that ever since her first lesson on monday time had started to move faster. How was it that now it was monday again, and she was at the same lesson, sat in the same chair, listening to the same things.

Beth looked at the clock on the classroom wall once again. 30 more minutes. She had promised to meet Robin after class -to give the girl the cassette she had promised to make her.

Beth always kept her promises. Well, not always. Many times she hadn't washed the dishes even if her mother reminded her many times. Sometimes you have to be a rebel -yes, not washing the dishes is a very rebellious thing to do.

The classroom door opened, and the teacher -Mr. Smith- turned his head with a frustrated look on his face.

Cassie stumbled in, clutching her back tightly, breath heavy. She had clearly ran here, and now she was caught in the mean eye of Mr.Smith.

"Late again, Miss Turner", the teacher spoke. Again? A thought ran trough Beth's mind. Cassie was never late. At least that's how she was when the two were still proper friends -'late again, miss turner' did just not fit in with the image of Cassie Beth had in her mind.

The teacher hushed Cassie to her seat with a movement of his hand, and Cassie sat at her usual spot, a light red flush growing on her face.

Beth couldn't help but notice the way Tina, the so-called leader of Cassie's and Amy's new friendgroup, looked Cassie up and down and turned to whisper something to another girl sitting in front of her.

That definitely did not look like friendship.

Maybe Beth could ask Cassie how she was doing. After class, maybe? They had only spoken once after the sudden and childish end of their friendship.

Ask her after class. Beth told herself, and forced her mind to get back to the equations and notes she was supposed to be writing down.

The bell rang. People were quick to gather their things and sprint out the door, ignoring Mr. Smith yelling their homework over their heads.

Cassie was gone in a blink. First she was there, and the next second Beth saw her blonde hair disappearing to the crowd.

Ask her later.

Or never.

Beth reached her girlfriend on the eastern hallway.

Robin was like a ray of sunshine. Like, literally. She was wearing a bright yellow button-up. I mean, bright. It would probably be visible from outer space, and it was definitely visible at Hawkins' High.

"Robin Buckley, the queen of being invisible and fitting in, you have gone wild."

"I know. Milton made sure to tell me last break. I think he referred to me as an easter chick."

Beth grimaced, and Robin shrugged with a smile playing on her lips.

Yes, yes, she was literally a sunray, but also in other levels. When Beth's stress was building up, Robin eased it in seconds. Beth knew that the other girl had a bad habit of stressing a lot aswell, and she was awkward in most situations, but she could calm Beth down with just her precence.

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