15. meant to be

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friday, march 14th

A week had passed. Again. Obviously. The weeks just kept on passing, and Beth had freaked out a little this morning when she realised that March was halfway done.

This friday was the big night: it was the first basketball game/pep rally of the season, and literally everyone in the highschool gym was bustling. The game was on full mode, and everyone was clapping and cheering and overall making noise.

Beth, Cassie and Stacy stood in the side of the stand, furiously cheering.

The marching band was right across them on the other side of the gym, and Beth quickly spotted Robin in the crowd. Kate and Milton were there too, fiddling with their outfits and instruments.

Beth tried to catch Robin's eye. The girl had been very nervous, she's spent days memorizing her notes. She'd played just fine -more than fine, perfectly. Beth wanted to rush over and hug her and tell her how great she was, but right now they had to settle for smiling at eachother.

Beth patted her shoulderbag, securing that it was still safe and sound on the side pocket. Thank god she hadn't forgotten it home.

Beth didn't really care about basketball. No, in fact, she despised it. But, oh damn, the defeat was still sour. Not that they didn't see it coming... they had been low on points and time and even Stacy's crazy cheering hadn't managed to lead them to victory.

The whole crowd was feeling down now, and Stacy was frowning sadly. Everyone started flowing out of the gym, and just as soon as Stacy saw Chris she sprinted out to comfort him, giving her friends quick goodbyes. Cassie shrugged and her and Beth emerged into the hallway.

"I'm gonna meet with Robin on the other side." Beth said, nodding to the other end of the gym.

Cassie gave her a much-knowing smile and they said their goodnights, going separate ways.

Beth walked trough the hallways, trying to get to the door the band was going to get out from.

And then, just when there was no one around, Josh came from around the corner.

Beth felt ambushed. Of course it was him.

The boy stopped on his tracks, the same annoying smile on his face as he looked at Beth. He looked like he was about to say something -mean, nice, anything, she didn't want to hear it.

I don't want your apologies.

Beth felt the annoyance crippling to her, and she put on a stone-cold face.

"Save your time." She said, walking past the boy and giving him a push to the shoulder.

Beth could hear Josh scoffing and shouting something like "watch out, bitch", but she was already gone around the corner.

She looked back, and then noticed someone -Nancy Wheeler. Standing by her locker, looking after Beth with a much-saying expression. The awkward second felt like ages.

Nancy looked to the other hallway, and then back at beth with a face that was friendly and.. sad?

"Just don't -don't care. They'll stop eventually."

Beth froze. Of course she had heard shit about Beth -god knows what rumours she had been told, but Nancy didn't seem to believe any of them. Or maybe she just didn't care.

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