Chapter 21

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Melissa went to bed that night thinking about everything that was happening in her life. As she laid in her cozy bed, she thought about her future and what is was going to be like. Feeling her thick diaper crinkling on her crotch, she wondered what it would be like to be laying in bed without a diaper? What would it be like if she told her parents that she didnt want diapers? What if her parents really thought that she was having accidents and when she tells them that she doesnt want diapers anymore, then they will be angry and know that she was doing all of this on purpose.

Just then Melissa looked around her room and wondered what if she just kept embracing her diapers. She pictured her room looking like a babies, with princess stuff all over and tons of stuffed animals. Then she pictured herself laying in a crib instead of her bed. As Melissa was thinking about all of these wonderful things she felt comfy. Soon she was asleep with the happy thoughts of being a baby in her mind.

Melissa slowly opened up her eyes. The sun was gleaming through her window, lighting up her big girl room. Melissa sighed as she remembered the warm feeling she had inside while thinking about being in a baby room. She sat up and felt how squishy and soggy her diaper was, just then the warm fuzzy feelings climbed right back into her mind. With a blank smile on her face Melissa said to herself, "This is it, I will be as little as possible for the next few days and see how I like it".

Melissa rolled over on her tummy, keeping her diapered butt in the air, then slid one leg off of her bed. One foot was now on the ground, one arm dangling off of her bed, her other leg and arm was sprawled across her bed still. In this position Melissas crotch was right at the corner of her bed, with the bed pushing up against her diapered crotch. She wiggled her butt, then slid the rest of her body down to her floor. Melissa then crawled over to her bathroom. She noticed herself in her mirror and saw how saggy her butt was. Melissa dropped her head and looked at the front of her diaper. it was so cute how her diaper hung down off of her body, she thought, just like a baby who was in the same diaper for hours. She then dropped her head all the way to the floor and lifted her knees off the ground, looking at herself in the mirror from between her legs. The typical toddler look, she thought.

Just then she realized how much she had to poop. Melissa dropped back down to her knees and started to relax her butt. Just then Melissa had an idea to go downstairs and make this as baby like as possible. She quickly hopped to her feet and hopped all the way out of her room and down the stairs. Just as she reached the bottom she saw her whole family sitting in the living room, then reality set in again for Melissa. Frozen, she was unable to react fast enough as she felt a big load of poopoo's start to load the back of her diaper. "Uh, oh" she thought.

Immediately Melissa regressed and clinched her legs together feeling her poopy butt squish. She stuck her finder in her mouth and waddled up to her mother. "Mommy I need my diapy changed," Melissa said in a cute little girls voice. Just then her mother turned her around and said "Yes baby, somebody is stinky". Her mother instructed her to run upstairs and get ready for her. Melissa then hopped all the way back upstairs with her diaper bouncing and crinkling with every hop.

She laid there a while feeling like a complete baby and loving every minute of it. Melissa was lifting her legs into the air and spreading her legs and feeling her messy diaper shift and squish between her thighs. Just then her mom walked into her room with a fresh diaper and supplies. Melissa laid quietly as her mother walked towards her.

Her mother stopped right before she untaped Melissas diaper and said, "Melissa sweetie, we need to have a talk".

Melissa Gets her bottom changedWhere stories live. Discover now