Chapter 10

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Melissa awoke the next day extremely refreshed. She slept so well, that she slept right through her alarm. "oh, no Im late for school!" She thought as she got out of bed running for the shower. She got to the bathroom and stopped and looked at her pull up, remembering all that had happened the night before. She smiled at herself in the mirror, and decided her shower can wait. Melissa then made her way downstairs with her pull up and t shirt on, and saw her mother in the kitchen. "Mom, I am really late for school. Why didnt you wake me?" she said. Her mom simply walked over to Melissa, wrapped her arms around Melissa, and checked down the back of her diaper. "Ah, Im glad to see you stayed dry through the night baby." she said with a smile. "I think its best if you stay home from school today. Just take a little day off."

Melissa was stunned. She was frozen when her mother checked her diaper, and then shocked when her mother said she can stay home from school. "um, sure mom" Melissa said with a smirk. "Ok baby, well I need you to run upstairs and put some pants on because we are gonna head over to the store i a little bit. Unless you wanna go out dressed like that" Said her mom sarcastically. Melissa headed upstairs and tossed some jeans out of her drawer. Before Melissa put her jeans on, she relaxed and started going pee pee in her pull up. She felt the warmth spread all over,then grabbed the front of the diaper with both hands. "Ah, that felt good" she said.

Melissa threw her pants on, and put a sweat shirt on. She was going to head out without a shower, but it was a lazy day, so it didnt matter. Melissa walked back downstairs feeling her pull up squish with every step she took. "Oh, good girl. You look so cute" said her mom with a wink. Her mom then went upstairs, brought a bag down with her, then grabbed Melissas hand and led her to the garage. Melissa felt so good when her mother held her hand out to the car, then helped her get in. Melissas mom, reached over Melissa and buckled her seatbelt in for her. Once her mother was in the car, they were off.

They pulled into a store that Melissa had never been to. It was a pharmacy, but bigger. Once inside Melissas mom led her right to the diaper section. They browsed the diaper isle together; Melissa in awe over how many different types of adult diapers they had. Melissa wanted to read every package and see which were best for her, but then heard her mother say, "Ah, here they are." She grabbed a package of Abena X-plus diapers and started reading. Melissa walked to her and stood shyly next to her mother as she nodded in approval. "melissa can you please grab 2 packages of these in size small?" asked her mom. Melissa nodded and grabbed 2 bags. Her mother grabbed 1 more bag, and walked them up to the counter. They dropped the bags off, then made their way to grab wipes, vaseline, powder, and ointment. While her mom paid for everything Melissa stood there with her mouth hung open. She couldnt believe that this was happening. All of those times times she daydreamed about this, and now she was actually living it. Her mother grabbed a catalog, and told the lady that she would like to get put on a monthly diaper program, that brings 3 cases each month. After all of that was set up, Melissa and her mother made their way back to the car.

Melissa and her mother drove off towards the mall. Melissa sat in silence for a while, until her mother said, "So, are you happy about your diapers?" Melissa sat in silence still. They got to the mall, and after getting out of the car. Melissa felt her mother tugg at the back of her jeans and look down the back of her diaper. "Uh oh Melissa. Someone has a wet diaper." she said. She then opened the back door and told Melissa to lay down in the back seat. Laying there, Melissa felt extremely little as her mother ripped off the sides of her soggy pull up. She felt her mother wipe her bottom, and then slide her new diaper under her. Melissa was so thankfull that they were parked a ways away from all of the people at the mall. She then felt her new diaper pulled up against her crotch, and then her mother taping her shut. "There we go baby! All Better" Her mother said in a babyish tone.

Melissa blushed as she stood up to allow her mom to pull her jeans back up. Melissa stood there for a second, looking at herself, and feeling around her diaper area, checking out the new diapers. All she could do is look back at her mom with a big smile on her face. The new diapers were so thick and comfy. They barely fit over her jeans. Melissa felt so babyish, and loved the feeling. Her mother smiled back at her and said, "Good girl, now lets go shopping!"

Melissa was in heaven the whole shopping trip. She waddled around the mall hearing herself crinkle the whole time. She stayed right at her mothers side the whole time. They eventually stopped for some food at the food court, and then finished their shopping trip with ice cream. Melissa felt so little waddling out of the mall with an ice cream cone in her hand, and her face slightly messy with chocolate. Just before getting in the car, Melissas mom checked her diaper one more time. "What a good girl keeping your pants dry today" she said. "Now lets make our way to your brothers preschool". Melissa froze. She was going to have to face a bunch of little kids while wearing a diaper...

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