A Hero's Choice

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Goku and Supergirl were memorizing the names of everyone as they were finishing up as Goku looked at Supergirl and he was happy that a bit more Kryptonians survived in her Earth.

Oliver - Cisco, I believe we should start.

Turning on an image of the threat as Goku was surprised that it was actually aliens that he would see in some sci-fi movies.

Barry - Okay. These are the Dominantors. We don't know much about them-

Kara - Except that they're really strong. I-I heard a lot of stories about them when I was kid. They came to my planet before I was born. Did some experiments on a lot of my people and killed a lot more.

Goku - At least we can handle them no problem since you are incredibly strong yourself.

Everyone was surprised on Goku's comment but he just smiled and placed his hands behind his head.

Thea - Barry says that your more powerful than a locomotive?

Goku - She's much stronger than that. Like being punched by a building. Luckily with training on 100 times gravity, this should work for my training.

Barry - A hundred times gravity?

Goku - Earth's gravity. So pretty much I can deal so much damage and receive a lot of it.

Oliver - Then we should use you and Kara as a stand in for training.

Mick - Since when is Robin Hood calling the shots?

Jax - I think what Mick is trying to say is, we would like to know who is in charge.

Ray - I say we should take a vote.

Cisco - I choose Oliver, he's got my vote.

Oliver - Thank you Cisco but I believe Barry should lead us since he was the one to bring us all together.

After Oliver tried to secretly tell Barry to start test runs on Supergirl and Goku, however the Saiyan decided to speak up.

Goku - I think Kara should face off against the one with no martial arts or any kind of hand to hand experience. I am a Martial Artist so I can help you guys improve better than just facing you guys all together.

Oliver - You'll show me later but first go suit up.

Goku looked down as he showed that he was already suited up. Oliver then just shrugged it off as Goku went out to get some air and at least try to do some meditation training. However his thoughts just went back to Faora.

Goku - I'll be back soon.

However he heard Iris talking to someone.

Iris - I don't care what H.R. said. This is something you can't just show up and try. Do you get me?

Goku - Why shouldn't he join?

They turned around to see Goku just floating there with his arms crossed.

Goku - I feel the same energy Barry has coming from him so, why not let him join in on the battle?

Iris - I know your new but you don't understand what's the danger here.

Goku - Ms. West, I understood the danger when I fought against a bunch of Kryptonians and even my wife now. I fought two members of my race and my biological brother. We lost so many people that day but nothing prepared us for the fight. We just went for it and we came out on top.

Wally and Iris were shocked on the amount of blood he had on his conscious and yet he was still fighting.

Goku - I go by everyday remembering the blood on my hands and I use that to get better. But constantly preparing will be useless if some deaths could be avoidable. Don't wait for the moment. Make your own opportunity.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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