The End of the Past

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Jax-Ur - What happened down there?

Zod - He exposed a temporary weakness. Where is Faora?

Raditz - It seems Faora and Nappa are gone.

Zod - ....No matter. We can create a new one. Have you located the codex?

Jax-Ur - Yes. It was never in Kal-El's ship but in his DNA.

Zod - Does Kal need to be alive to extract the codex?

Jax-Ur - No.

Zod - Release the world engine!

A giant machine was released from the ship onto the Earth's atmosphere.

Lois and Clark took Clark's ship to the army general as for Goku he took Faora to the Kryptonian Ship in Antarctica.

Faora woke up seeing she was laying on a bed as she rose up and looked around.

Gine - You woke up faster than I thought.

She punched out of reflex but she hit nothing as she saw that the figure was not real but a hologram of Gine.

Faora - Where am I?

Gine gave her a sign to follow as she did and they entered a room seeing Goku training pushing himself up to the limit in 60 times gravity.

Faora - What is he doing?

Gine - He's training knowing that a battle is coming and he's preparing. He's been training for the past 3 hours. If you have questions he could answer them.

Gine disappeared and the door to the gravity room opened with Goku breathing hard and falling to the ground tired, and injured from his body already broken. He dragged his body towards the control panel and tried to get the small pouch he had on the top.

The gravity turned off and Goku still was breathing hard but he saw the pouch was right next to his head and he looked up seeing Faora standing there looking at the other direction seeing the snow outside. Goku gave a soft smile as he reached in the pouch and pulled out a green bean, he insert the bean in his mouth and chewed it for a bit and swallowed the bean causing his body to heal as the cuts on his body were healed and he took a good breath and stood up like nothing.

Goku - Thank you.

Faora didn't respond looking at the outside view but instantly felt pain and started seeing everything, hearing the sounds of people nearby and by the animals.

Faora - Stop! So much noise!

Goku instantly rushed over to her and grabbed her by her shoulders and placed his head to hers and instantly she calmed down now seeing everything back to normal.

Faora - H-How? W-What did you do to me?

Goku - I tricked your brain waves to move normally and not enhance your senses yet. But the more sun radiation you receive the stronger your body will get and the pain will come back so you need to train your senses. Focus on my voice, feel my hand, follow my movements and look at my direction.

Faora slowly removed her hands away from him and looked away as she sat near the window. Goku sat in front of her worried for her but he waited for a response.

Faora - What did you mean when you said that Krypton was destroyed like Planet Vegeta.

Goku - .....Frieza destroyed our planets.

Faora - No no no! I don't believe it. Frieza is a tyrant but he would never lie about killing our race and keep us. It's impossible.

Goku - I'm sorry it's hard to believe the one person who was feeding you and keeping you alive but why do you think he destroyed our race?

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