Inner Demons

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Goku woke up as he looked at the outside and saw a destroyed world as he cracked his neck and got out of the destroyed car with Faora and a teenage girl and boy walking out next to him. Goku looked at the view and he wished things were different.

 Goku looked at the view and he wished things were different

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(Back to the Present)

It has been 4 months since Bulma started to work on the ship towards Namek. Now the ship was done and ready to go as Goku stood outside of the ship, wearing his armor

Faora stood there with him in her armor as both got in the ship and Bulma was sitting in the controls.

Bulma - Alright. Now the rooms are on the lower level and the gravity room is in the top.

Goku nodded as he and Faora went to their room and set their things up as Bulma spoke on the intercom.

Bulma - Ladies and Gentlemen. We are going to ride the Capsule Express. We will arrive to our destination shortly please be sure to hold on tight because this could be a bumpy ride.

They smiled as the ship started to ascend up and Goku looked out the window and he saw Martha and Clark waving from the outside.

He waved back as he smiled and soon the ship was outside the planet's stratosphere. After they reached the empty space, Goku knew that he had to start training immediately.

Goku and Faora looked at each other as Bulma smiled and went to the pilot and told them that the gravity room is self sustaining room. Meaning that they can go all out without any worry of crashing the ship or even changing the directions.

Goku - Thanks Bulma. If anything happens, tell us immediately.

Bulma - You got it.

They went to the top and Goku turned the gravity up to 50 times as he wanted to get adjusted again as Faora even had a small struggle but slowly she was able to move perfectly in the gravity.

Goku started with push ups and Faora started with squats as both had a goal to reach a higher level of gravity once the trip was over.

After a few minutes both would switch from work-out to work-out. Eventually even going even higher on the gravity machine. Bulma would look at the beautiful wonders of space as she took notes of the many sights she has seen. She looked at the maps navigation system and the course for Namek would be 17 days.

She rested her eyes as she had the computer check her vitals or sound in alarm if any danger was detected.

(3 days later)

Goku and Faora would continue their training but something was wrong, Faora stopped training and even telling Goku that she wouldn't really benefit with the training since she wasn't getting much stronger and she was confident that the sun of the planet could help her like on Earth.

Goku nodded as he kept training now going up to 100 times gravity. But unbeknownst to Goku, Faora was hiding something really important to Goku as she rested in the bed and placed a hand on her head and stomach.

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