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My eyes snapped open at the sound of repetitive loud knocks at Calums door. "If you don't wake up you two, I'm coming in and doing it myself." Joy warned. I sat up in a hurry and shook Calum furiously next to me. He groaned and turned away, mumbling something about wanting to sleep.
"We're up!" I quickly called out, looking down and realising I still had no clothes on. A smile etched its way onto my face as I remembered last night.
Joy sighed with relief so loudly it could be heard through the door. "Thank god, I thought you two had run away or something crazy." She laughed softly to herself. "Breakfast is in ten minutes." She informed and I heard her gentle footsteps pad rapidly away.
My eyelids fluttered shut briefly, glad that she hadn't come in to find her son and I naked and in bed. I turned back to Calum, shaking him again before quickly giving up, reaching over and tickling his feet instead. He sprung up, rubbing his eyes instantly. "Alright, alright, I'm up." He exclaimed, pushing me off his feet.
"Your mum wants us to go down for breakfast." I smiled at his incredibly sleepy and disorientated face. It was by far one of the most adorable things I'd ever seen. He woke up a little more at this, a huge grin developing across his face.
"Good morning to you too." He teased and I suddenly panicked about what I was going to wear. It was a Saturday, I couldn't exactly come down in my school uniform.
He draped his arms around my tummy and pulled me back down and closer to him, kissing my cheek and then my lips. "I think last night was one of the best nights of my life, thank you." He hummed softly against my ear.
I'm sure I was glowing beetroot by now but I smiled goofily anyway. "Me too." I agreed, because it honestly was. "But we need to go and have breakfast." I kissed him before wriggling out of his grip, despite his protests. "What am I going to wear?" I thought aloud and Calum chuckled at my distress.
"It's alright, my mum knew you hadn't planned to sleep over right? She would understand you didn't bring a change of clothes." He tugged at my wrist, still not moving.
I pulled away, beginning to get dressed quickly as I felt his gaze fixate on me. "Or you could just stay naked." He suggested cheekily.
"You're such a boy." I teased, buttoning up my school shirt before throwing him some fresh clothes out of his drawers. "Get dressed before your mum comes up and dresses you herself." I said seriously and he groaned, still only half awake, but finally managed to start pulling his clothes on too.
"Glad to see the two of you made up." Joy smiled, as we began eating our breakfast. She went back to humming a recognisable song as she continued to put away leftovers from her and David's own morning meal.
I blushed a deep shade of red, sinking down a little in my chair. "Oh we made up alright." Calum told his mother, shooting me a wink. I nearly chocked on my orange juice, sending him a glare afterward in return.
Luckily, Joy was completely un-phased and missed Calums secret meaning. She finished what she was doing and made her way over to the table, placing a gentle hand on Calums broad shoulder. "Hayley I meant to tell you, Luke came round looking for you last night. He was very flustered, something about Megan and a boy named Zach?"
Crap. In everything that had happened, I'd forgotten to explain to Luke what was going on. Oh I'm an awful friend.
"What did you tell him?" I asked, suddenly scrambling through my blazer pockets for my phone.
Dammit, where was it? I was sure I had it here somewhere.
"That you were with Calum . . . Why is everything alright?" She pressed, concerned.
I snapped my head up to give her a quick smile. "Yep, everything's great. Sorry, could you excuse me for a moment?" I asked, getting up from the table and finally landing my hands on my phone.
19 missed calls, and 36 messages from Luke.
Crap, crap, crap. I rang his number in no time and he picked up almost straight away. "Thank god Hay, I was beginning to think they'd abducted you or something." He sighed, half teasing half completely serious.
I sighed, double checking behind me that Calum and his mother weren't listening in to our conversation. They weren't. They looked deep in their own exchanging of words. "Yeah, sorry about that." I apologised, feeling guilty for not giving him a response to all his messages and calls.
"What happened?" He asked, the concern evident in his tone of voice.
I fiddled with a button on my shirt nervously, worried about what Megan and Zach were planning next. "I'll tell you everything later, but basically Zach came over and then Calum saw me with him and we got in a fight-"
"Wait, you and Cal got in a fight?" He interrupted. "Is everything okay with you guys now?"
I smiled a little. "Yeah . . . " I looked back over at Calum with a goofy grin. "Yeah, everything's okay now." I had to hold back the childish giggle which was becoming desperate to erupt from my lips.
"Okay, well. That's the main thing. I think they're just trying to break you two up, I'm not sure exactly, but that's why I came to see you last night." He explained. "Not that you were actually at your house of course." He added, in a tone which was almost to himself.
Feeling guilty once more I knew I had to make it up to him. "I really am sorry, Luke. Thanks for looking out for me." I told him, already plotting ideas to repay him.
"It's fine Hayley, listen I'm guessing you're still at Calums so you go and have fun, I'll see you guys later at the cinema." He said, hanging up before I could even say goodbye. I'd almost forgotten about movie night. It had escalated to the cinema over the last few months as Mikey worked there and could sneak is in for free. We weren't sure how much longer our little routine was going to work as it was only a matter of time before he got fired, but we were enjoying it while it lasted.
I put my phone back in my pocket, walking back over to find that Joy had left for work and so now it was just me and him. "Hey." He smiled, scoffing the last mouthful left on his plate. "Everything alright with Luke?" He asked sort of suspiciously.
I nodded. "Everything's fine with Luke." I confirmed. ". . . Not so much with Zach and Megan though." I admitted carefully, hoping that mentioning Zach wouldn't cause Calum to flip out again. It didn't. He did look concerned though, standing up from his chair and holding out his hand.
"Let's go for a walk." He suggested as my fingers interlaced with his. "I feel as though this talk may take a while." He smiled knowingly, pulling me through his front door, locking it behind us.
"So." He stated once we had began walking down his smooth street. "Explain. Tell me everything now I'm in more of a . . . listening mood." He offered awkwardly, clearly a little ashamed of how he reacted last night.
I smiled, poking him in the shoulder as he lead me through the woodland gate.
"Hey, it looked bad okay? You were just angry, I would of been the same if it was the other way round and it was you and Megan back there." He shrugged, still unhappy with being so angry at me. "Just know that I'd never do that to you. Ever." I promised.
He grinned, squeezing my hand slightly. "And I would never cheat on you either. Or hurt you for that matter." He lowered his head so he could kiss my cheek softly. "Now tell me what's going on." He muttered through my hair.
I signed, not sure how to word it right. "Long story short, Zach tricked me into feeling sorry for him, and I was trying to tell him to move on, but the moment you left, he laughed in my face and basically admitted that it was Megan's idea and that he and her are trying to split us up." I breathed out quickly as we climbed up and sat down on top of a large, old fallen Oak tree.
He puffed out his cheeks before pushing all the air out slowly. "So basically, my ex-girlfriend is a crazy, jealous bitch." He dead panned, running a palm down his distressed face, letting out a frustrated groan. "God, I'm so sorry Hayley." He sighed.
I raised my left eyebrow at him, puzzled as to why he was apologising to me. He fiddled with a piece of bark which was only semi-attached to the deceased tree. His eyes filled with guilt and regret.
"I never wanted to upset you." He shook his head lightly. "That was the absolute last thing I wanted. I just wanted to get over you because I didn't have the balls to tell you, and now we're stuck in this position." He spoke to the bark instead of facing me, I wasn't sure if he was embarrassed or angry. Maybe a little of both.
I shuffled closer, tracing patterns across the skin on his lower leg. "No we aren't. We are the only ones who can break us up. And if we already know what they're planning, what can they really do?" I thought aloud.
He finally looked back up at me, dead in the eyes. A shimmer of relief washing over him. "You're right. The only ones getting hurt is going to be them. In Particularly, Zach." The bark snapped, causing both of us to jump slightly.
"I hate that ass hole." He grunted. I giggled a little at his anger, finding it amusing that there was a time where Calum was actually jealous of him.
"I love you though." He smiled, leaning in to kiss me. "And nothing is going to change that."

Taken // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now