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My phone began to ring, cutting off mine and Calum's constant bickering as we strolled home. We'd moved on slightly from the argument a few days ago, but remained stuck in childish disagreements. I glared at him as I clicked the green 'accept' button.
"Hey, mum." I sighed heavily into the receiver, looking back over at Calum who was now lazily kicking a pebble down the street with each stride.
"Hi sweetie, listen I'm really sorry, but something's popped up at work . . . It looks like we won't be home for another week." She explained, a hint of sorrow in her voice.
My shoulders sagged down with disappointment and I forgot all about my bitterness towards Calum.
"It's fine." I sucked in a breath. It was anything but fine. "See you next week." I mumbled, staring at the miserably grey pavement.
I heard her sigh, and I knew she felt terrible and by now I understood it wasn't her fault.
"I really am sorry, we'll make it up to you, okay?" Some mumbling became apparent in the background before my mothers voice told the person to, "Hang on." and I knew our conversation was already over.
"Sorry hun, something's come up, give my love to the boys and see you soon." She said, hanging up before I could reply.
I limply placed my phone back into my pocket, suddenly no longer in the mood to bicker with Calum.
"Something pop up again?" I looked up to see his expression had softened and I knew he understood.
I nodded, fiddling about with the mobile in my pocket. This wasn't a new thing, something always seemed to 'pop up'.
"I'm sorry Hayley." He reached out and took my other hand which wasn't enclosed in a pocket, giving it a small squeeze before letting go all too soon.
I longed to hold his hand whenever I felt like it, to have the warmth it brought soothing me in the cold winter season.
"It's okay." I mumbled. "She said to give you guys her love." I added by her request.
He grinned. "Send it back for me." He instructed. My parents had always loved Calum and he knew it, and he loved them just the same.
"See you tomorrow, and call me if you need me, alright?" He smiled as we headed off our separate routes.
"Where is it, where is it, where is it?" I whispered to myself, searching cupboard after cupboard only getting more and more frustrated.
All I wanted was some popcorn to eat with my movie, but no. It had to be all eaten, didn't it? I groaned, shoving a five pound note into my coat pocket and striding into town.
I approached the corner shop in no time, finding the biggest bag of popcorn I could see, and placing it on the counter, giving the new employee they had recruited here, a friendly smile as the tension in my mind slowly began to fade.
The new guy didn't seem to have much practise at working behind the counter at all. It had taken him about five minutes simply to scan the bag. Beginning to grow impatient, I scanned my eyes over all the special offers, trying to refrain myself from telling him to hurry up. I held back the sigh as the man then struggled to find the right amount of change.
"I'll be right back, Miss. Sorry for any inconvenience." He apologised quickly, running off behind the 'staff only' doors.
My eyes wandered out of the shop window, watching the public stroll by, families, friends and couples, all hurried past, desperate to reach their destinations, when a certain pair grabbed my attention.
My stomach dropped as I saw Zach laughing about with some girl, hand in hand. I left the popcorn on the side, no longer caring for my craving. Instead, racing out the shop to catch up. Maybe they were family, or just friends? He had told me only a week ago that I was the only one for him. He's too kind to lie. He isn't like that, I know he isn't.
I stalked the two of them nervously, following closely behind until they kissed at a park bench, confirming my underlying suspicions. What happened to me being the only girl he thought about? What happened to there being nobody else?
I scooted as close as I could get before my heart leaped into my mouth and I felt sick. The girl . . . the girl was, Megan? Oh my god. Oh my god! I can't breathe. I cannot breathe!
I felt as though I had sunk my head into the bath, all other sounds and views just blurred away. My head felt heavy and was beginning to hurt slightly. This was not good. This was so far from anything good whatsoever.
Megan gave Zach a quick hug, walking away in the opposite direction giving me my chance.
"Zach?" I strode over to him.
"Who was she?" I snapped, Megan couldn't know I had found out her dirty little secret. She would only flip it on me.
He jumped at my arrival, his eyes almost popping out of his head. "Hayley! Oh shit." He cursed to himself, running a large hand through his thick, bark coloured hair.
"Well?" I folded my arms waiting for an explanation. "Who was she?" The wind grew stronger and my hair began flying about wildly. It was as though the weather was mirroring my emotions, the raging wind spurring on my anger.
He sighed, rubbing his forehead.
"She's an old friend, lives next to my grandma." He bluntly explained as I glared harder. "It's not what it looks like though!" He reached out to grab my hand as I pulled it tightly away, sticking it permanently to my side.
I scoffed loudly at his ridiculous statement. What else could it be? They only bloody kissed!
"Seriously! It's just sex." He shrugged, failing to see his error as he slung his arms over the back of the bench casually.
My mouth widened a little in shock. "Just sex?" I raised my voice, exasperated. How long had this been going on? Oh god, what was I supposed to tell Calum?
He bounced his head in a nod.
"Yeah! No strings attached, just a good friendship and sex." He chuckled to himself as if he was expecting me to praise him. What did he seriously think I was going to do? Give him a high five?
I narrowed my eyes in frustration. "Whatever we were," I used my hands to gesture between the two of us.
"it's over." I spat, storming away from his calls after me. He didn't try to catch up, I was grateful for this, but also a little offended. Was he really just going to let me storm away like that? Did the last couple of months mean nothing to him?
Tears burned in my eyes as I chocked back sobs. I hadn't realised I cared so much about Zach until now. I didn't think this would hurt so much. I was really starting to like him and I thought that maybe I would finally be able to at least start moving on from Calum.
When I came to the crossover road, I found myself slowly coming to a stop, suddenly exhausted from speed walking away so fast. Instead of going back home, I found some energy deep inside me and ran straight to Luke's. I needed one of my best friends right now. And more than anything, I needed advice about Megan.
"Hayley? Oh my god, what happened?" Luke immediately pulled me in for a tight hug, rubbing my back up and down. I hadn't thought about why I was here or what I was going to tell him. I wished I had wiped my face first or tried to calm myself down a little.
Instead I buried my face into him, unable to contain my cries.
"I saw Zach with another girl." I sniffed into his shirt, my tears leaving two noticeable wet patches.
"Oh love." He sighed, giving me a tight squeeze. "Do you want me to kick his ass?" Luke pulled away from the hug as I nodded, breaking into a small smile.
"Yeah, that sounds good." I pushed out, my voice all croaky and forced. I pulled my sleeves into sweater paws for comfort, chewing my lip nervously.
"Come on, let's get you cleared up." He gave me a warm smile, using his thumbs to wipe under both my eyes and leading me up to his room.
"So what happened?" He sighed again, slumping down on the bed next to me.
I opened my mouth to explain everything,when we heard his door bell ring out. Luke groaned, mumbling a quick apology and standing up, going downstairs to answer the door.
I couldn't help but burst into tears once more, hugging my knees to my chest tightly. Today had been awful. Was I just a girl on the side to Zach? Was he ever planning to stop fooling around with Megan?
"Hayley's here?" Calum appeared suddenly, stating the obvious as he threw open the door, with a breathless Luke behind him.
"Oh great! Just the person I wanted to see. So I just- Hayley?" He stopped himself. "What happened?" He asked, crouching down next to me on the bed, his tone suddenly serious and low..
"You were right." I grumbled out, my face still pressed into my knees.
"Zach's an idiot, happy now?" I don't know why I was being so hostile, I just wasn't in the mood for his stupid sly comments.
He took a long sigh before sitting next to me and then pulling me onto his lap sideways, forcing my head to pull away from my now soaked jeans. I had stopped sobbing now, but my eyes were still trickling away. I leaned against his chest softly, soaking up his comfort.
"What happened?" He looked up to Luke this time, rubbing his large palm up and down my arm.
"She saw him with another girl." He explained, watching the two of us together intently. Calum's grip tightened around me at the information.
"I'm going to kill him." He muttered to himself. He sighed, shaking his anger off and focusing his attention back to me. "I'm really sorry Hayley, for everything recently. Megan and I have been fighting so much and I just take it out on you, it isn't fair." He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, pulling me closer as Luke sat down next to us.
"It's okay, Calum. I know you don't mean it." I sighed, my voice quiet and scratchy. Did I know he didn't mean it? It never felt that way. Not to me.
"Do you two want to stay over tonight?" Luke offered kindly. I shuffled my body round on Calum's lap, so I could face Luke properly. Calum's muscular arms wrapped tightly around my body, squeezing away the hurt.
"I can't, you know mum never let's me on a school night." I could almost feel Calum rolling his eyes. "I just came round to get my T-shirt back." He held the item of clothing in his hand, shaking it about gently.
"What about you, Hayley?" Luke asked.
"I'd love too." I gave a small smile, knowing Luke could lend me a shirt to sleep in and he always had spare toothbrushes.
Calum gently placed me off his lap, causing me to want to whine out. I was desperate for him to hold me like that all the time. I was so needy for him. He stood up with a small groan.
"Take good care of her, yeah? I don't want her upset over that idiot." He smacked Luke firmly on the shoulder, leaning across the bed slightly to reach him.
"Call me if you need me." He whispered in my ear as he bent down to hug me goodbye and kissed me softy on the forehead.
I nodded, feeling my cheeks heat up slightly. He was so perfect.

Taken // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now