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"Baby." I felt hot, sticky breath tingling against my ear as Calum whispered repeatedly into my ear. He placed a few chaste kisses against my cheek, attempting anything to awaken me. "Babe." He groaned as I was still lost in deep slumber and struggling to open my eye lids even the teeniest crack.
"Hayley, wake up." He mumbled, resting his face into the crook of my neck.
"Hmmpf." I murmured, wriggling away slightly, remaining stubborn. That's when his patience snapped and he blew a wet raspberry into my neck where his face had been restlessly waiting. I squirmed away, my eyes snapping open in shock. "Calum!" I whined, rubbing my now wet neck.
He found the whole situation hilarious, he was on his knees, balancing on the mattress with the fattest smirk across his lips. "I did start out nicely." He defended as I lurched towards him, managing to grab ahold of his wrist and lick a small streak up his hairy arms.
It was my turn to laugh now as I caught a glimpse of his disgusted expression as I speedily escaped the bed, racing down stairs to find Joy and David making pancakes to ready us for another school day. My parents must have left in the early hours of the morning. Calum clambered moments after, smacking straight into me, due to him expecting me to not only be just standing there.
We stumbled into the fridge as Joy and David chuckled light heartedly at our clumsiness. "Calum Hood!"Joy pretended to be angry. "That is no way to treat your girlfriend." She grinned and Calum quickly became flustered, apologising over and over again before I assured him I was absolutely fine, and he then went on to brush the dust he'd picked up off his pyjama trousers.
I noticed I was still in the clothes I had been in last night, confirming why I couldn't remember getting into bed with Calum. Joy grinned, still delighted with the news about Calum and I as David winked at his son, causing Calums cheeks to only flush further.
"Speaking of which." Joy continued as she began cleaning up a large dirty pile of plates and saucepans from last night.
"Should I be letting the two of you remain sleeping in the same bed?" David chuckled at mine and Calums embarrassment, winking yet again at his son but this time in an entirely different manner.
Calum began to shake his head rapidly when he realised we hadn't said anything in response, whereas I was far too taken aback from her unexpected assumptions to defend our sleeping arrangements. "No!" Calum suddenly blurted, finding his voice. "I mean . . . No mum, things are, um, different his time." He wasn't trying to upset me but I still felt a pang of guilt at his comment. What kind of different was I? Good or bad? Was he frustrated I never let things go as far as she did?
Joy only nodded and I could feel Calums eyes on me, but I refused to look anywhere but the ground.
"Well I know things are different this time, because we all know Hayley's wonderful." Joy span around, facing us once more as she dried her hands off with a nearby tea-towel. "But I still think we should have this talk." She concluded, making David sit down next to her at the table, motioning for the two of us to join.
I bit my lip hard, unsure of what to tell her. I couldn't exactly say "Oh you mustn't worry Joy! I'm much too afraid to let your son penetrate me anyway!" Or maybe, "Joy there is absolutely no way Calum would even want that with me, have you seen Megan? Well look at me." No. I couldn't say anything. I couldn't even look up.
"So." Joy encouraged, much more eager, seemingly, for Calum and I to be having sex than he and Megan. "Tell me, are you being safe?" She decided to use her first question wisely, asking what any good mother would.
Calum shuffled uncomfortably, not wanting to embarrass me but unsure of what he should say. "Mum . . ." He eventually mumbled.
"No Cal, I know this might be awkward for you two but this is very important. Now are you being safe or not?" She snapped, irritated with her sons apparent lack of trust.
I finally looked up to see Calum staring at the two of them helplessly, wishing they'd catch on so he didn't have to say it. They didn't. "Mum . . . We don't exactly need to be safe." He murmured, cheeks glowing.
Joys happy expression crumbled as she assumed the worst. "Calum Thomas Hood! Don't you dare tell me you two aren't using protection. I mean it son, you can never be too careful, right David?" She nudged Calums dad harshly, desperate for back up.
"Right." Her husband agreed, taking a swig of his orange juice. "Absolutely right. We don't need a mini you just yet." He grumbled, clearly just as uncomfortable as us.
I shrunk farther down into my seat, wishing it wouldn't be rude if I could run a sweaty hand down my face and groan out loud, needing the relief of a deep sigh badly. "Guys!" Calum had finally lost any will to let this conversation be a nice one. "Hayley and I do not need protection because we are not having sex!" He almost yelled out in exasperation as I puddled in a heap of awkwardness, the pancakes on the table suddenly making me feel sick instead of hungry. I just wanted to be back upstairs, or back in my own bedroom.
Joy took a good look at me, and then Calum for the first time that morning, her face horrified when she realised the strain she'd just caused on the two of us. "Oh . . ." She muttered. "Right, well, I'm off to work. See you after school, Hayley your welcome to stay for dinner if you like, um. Okay goodbye, sorry." She apologised, speedily making a run for it, David swiftly nodding and following after her, leaving a very awkward Calum and I, still sat at the dinner table in silence.
"I'm so sorry." He blurted hurriedly, his guilty face making everything so much worse. This was my fault not his.
I only shook my head, forcing myself to look up at him. "Don't be." I pleaded, but the sheer horror from what had just occurred failed to leave his beautiful brown eyes. "Oh god Cal, please don't be sorry. This is entirely my fault, they were only trying to be good parents." I assured him, edging away in my seat a little, suddenly feeling rather uncomfortable.
"This isn't your fault Hayley." He sighed. "This is Megan's fault. If she had never pulled that stupid birthday stunt to get you annoyed, we wouldn't be in this position." He sulked, still swimming in a pool of hatred towards his ex.
I nodded but still felt sickeningly bad. If I didn't feel so damn bleak compared to Megan, we wouldn't be in this situation. If only I could get over those small insecurities I still couldn't let go of from his previous relationship. It wasn't like I wasn't ready, or that I didn't trust him, I just wasn't Megan, and that, was that.
"Hey." His voice softened as he placed a hand on my cheek, pushing my eyes to meet his. "Stop worrying about this, I can wait however long you need Hayley. I've told you before. The choice is yours and yours alone." I sighed, and smiled at him, feeling slightly more relaxed that I didn't even have to explain why I was still worried . . . even if he only understood a small amount, it was enough.
Okayyy, so what's everyone wanting?
Smut or no smut?

P.S. If you want it, I'll write it but I can't promise it will be any good. :)

Taken // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now