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Luke grabbed my trembling hands as we waited anxiously in the long line full of our year group. "Calm down, you know you're going to pass." He smiled kindly, placing my hands back down by my my sides.
"Yeah, we all know your a nerd." Michael joined in, winking cheekily. He was acting like this wasn't bothering him, as though it was no big deal, but truth was, he was terrified. We were all terrified.
I rolled my eyes, but couldn't contain the smile that broke out across my face, giving away my true feelings. "Shut up Clifford." I elbowed him lightly in the ribs. "You're only jealous I'm going to beat your stupid ass." I teased, sticking out my tongue slightly for extra effect.
The line moved down another chunk as the next lot of people disappeared into the near-by room to receive their results.
"Whatever." He grinned back, giving me a slight nudge. I smiled in victory, turning back to face the front, and also the back of Calum's head.
He was in one of his moods today. I think it was mainly down to nerves. I knew how badly he wanted to ace this. Of course part of his bitterness was probably due to Megan, as ever, but he was definitely afraid of what that small little envelope would tell him.
I toyed with the thought for a moment, before trying again. "Are you worried?" I asked nervously. This morning any attempt from me trying to talk to him only ended in him shouting at me, and by the look on his face when he snapped his head around, right now, was not looking much different.
His eyebrows furrowed together further as he stared down at me with an irritated expression. "What the hell do you think?" He hissed. My face dropped as my stomach sank. I hated days like this. I hated when he wanted nothing to do with me.
His face softened as he took a long sigh, pressing his hand to his forehead and rubbing it slightly. "I'm sorry Hayley . . ." He sighed again, an ashamed look washing over him. "I'm just in a bit of a bad mood today, don't listen to me." He apologised.
I nodded slowly. "It's fine." I shrugged, biting my thumb nail softly. I held his gaze for a few unbearable moments before turning back to the comfort of my less moody friends. I heard him groan quietly behind me and I tried to shake it off. I kept telling myself that nothing had changed, but it's such a lie. Everything has changed.
The line shortened once again as we came into the realisation that we were the next group to go in. We weren't at the very front of the que but we were a few rows back. "Good luck guys." Ashton gave us all a nervous smile. His eyes focused over my shoulder. "Even you grumpy ass." He teased to Calum. Calum stuck up his middle finger, without facing us, but I knew he was smiling.
A short, miserable looking elderly women plodded into the hall. I stared at the single button that was done up on her black blazer, it was straining so badly I wandered how it didn't burst. She pushed her glasses up slightly and cleared her throat. "Next!" She snapped, making a sharp turn and waddling back into the next room. I hadn't even realised groups had been getting called in. We hadn't been able to hear when we were further back.
My heart rate escalated as we began shuffling slowly into the next room. With all the commotion from the cluster of people we were in, pushing and shoving to find their results, I ended up pressed against Calum's arm. He looked down to see my worried expression and carefully slipped his fingers in between my own, intertwining our hands perfectly. My heart puddled.
"Hey, don't look so scared. We're in this together." He gave my hand a squeeze and I immediately gave a gentle squeeze back, shooting him a happy smile. Maybe things were looking up for us after all.
Once everyone had formed an orderly line again, we released each other's grip and waited patiently for our turn. Calum got his before me and when it was my turn I took a deep breath before hurriedly accepting my letter of the man in a suit. I paced over towards Calum and we waited for the others. We had all previously agreed to do this together.
When the other three eventually came bounding over, we stood in an
un-intended circle and Ashton gave a nod. "Okay, let's do this." He instructed, the boys all equally ripping apart the envelopes. I took a deep breath before cautiously tearing off the top, scrunching the white leftovers in my hand. I closed my eyes for a little longer before scanning my results.
"Yes!" Michael shouted as my insides exploded. I had aced the whole thing! The other boys all seemed equally pleased with their results as goofy grins were plastered across all of our faces.
Luke peered over my shoulder and chuckled slightly. "You got an A? Nice! I told you you'd do great!" He praised, pulling me in for a hug. The others all leaped on, even Calum, and we shared a cheesy group hug in the middle of the room full of mixed emotions.
"Nerd." Mikey muttered with a smirk tugging at his lips. I reached out and shoved him gently. He grinned and stuck his tongue out jokingly before passing me his results. I scanned down through all the writing and read 'B' in bright red pen.
I looked up at him, over the moon with pride. "No way!" I jumped straight into his arms. "Who's the smart ass now?" I squeezed him tighter. He'd always struggled with exams and excelled in the lessons. We were all secretly worried that he'd really struggle but he'd proved us all very wrong. He gave me a final clutch before letting me go, his bashful grin still shining.
"I got a B too, where's my hug?" Ashton teased. I rolled my eyes and hugged him too, I was so proud of all of us. This had been such a draining experience. I rubbed his back in a friendly manner before pulling away and reading back over my own papers happily.
I looked up to see Ashton and Calum wrapped up in their own privet conversation next to me. Each taking it in turns to whisper back, what looked like argumentative points, in each others ears. "Just do it man, it's no big deal. Especially for you two come on, you always do this anyway. Don't be such a baby." Calum looked up at me nervously, his cheeks pinking considerably as he noticed me eavesdropping.
I looked away immediately, who were they talking about? I didn't have much time to think it over before Ashton turned to me and smoothly changed the subject after some apparent stern words from Calum. "So what's happening later?" He began.
I shrugged about to speak before Michael took over "Why don't we meet outside at half eight?" He suggested. "Then we have enough time to celebrate at home with our families and stuff."
Everyone nodded as I stared down at my feet. I wished my parents could have stayed longer so we could of celebrated tonight too. I wanted more than anything to make them proud of me. I felt someone squeeze my upper arm softly and I looked up to see calum watching over me intently. "You can come round mine if you like? You know my parents will be just as proud of you as they are of me. Come to think of it actually, they may be even more proud of you." He gave a small smile.
I shook my head. "It's fine, thank you though." I assured him. I didn't want to invade Calum's celebration. That was meant to be about him, not me. Besides I'll celebrate with them over the phone, and I'm sure when they get back too.
Calum nodded, looking slightly disappointed. He removed his touch from my arm and I longed to grab his hand again. I craved him. His touch, his lips, his everything. I could never get enough and I wanted to be around him all the time. I wanted to touch him and be close to him all the freaking time.
"Okay, sounds like a plan. Meet everyone at half eight, yeah?" Luke double checked, waiting for us all to confirm.
"Wait." I grew concerned, thinking it through properly. "I'm still seventeen. So is Luke, we won't be able to get into a club or a bar or anything." I said doubtfully.
Michael shook his head. "Me, Cal and Ash are. If you guys go last, they won't check too hard. I have fake I.D's don't worry. Everything's sorted." He attempted to assure me, but I was not convinced. "I promise, okay? Just try and dress up a bit older." He added, I nodded.
Older, sure. I could do older.

Taken // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now