19 - First Fight in the Sun?

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Okay... Fritz... I'm gonna need you to explain to me what in the H-E-Double-FUCK is going on.

'Trust me, I would if I could, but I honestly have no idea...'

I'm not talking about the spiders, moron! ...Well, I sort of am... But I'm more concerned with where the hell we are, and how you got there!

'Oh, that. We're outside of the Labyrinth.'


So, I explained everything that happened while Hakuja was sleeping or whatever. Including us taking out Araba, meeting Hiiro, the fortress thing, and our current situation.

I was expecting some type of relief from him, maybe a comment about the scenery (ignoring the giant, probably man-eating arachnids all over the place). Really, anything that would indicate that he was happy to be out of the hellhole known as the Great Elroe Labyrinth.

But, instead,

...Son of a...! Goddammit!!!

Instead, I got that.

I can't believe this...!

'...I feel like I should ask, but at the same I don't really want to... But I will anyway... What's up with you?'

What's up with me is the fact that, after everything that happened in that place - all the humiliation and pain everything in there put me through - the only thing that I wound up doing to pay all that back was die, AGAIN!, and get stuck in your goddamn head!

On top of all that, I can't even get back at Araba now! Cause he's fucking dead, gone, and turned to sparkly dust...


I could hear him sigh in my head - a tone I'd never heard before, even in the few months we've known each other. He almost sounded... defeated? Tired? Maybe both?

Honestly, considering his personality, it's almost unnerving to hear from him... Like, the type of thing that makes your very soul clench in fear... Or something like that.

...Wait a second... Fritz, you said you found Hiiro, right? So, she's really the spider monster you've been walking around with?

'We figured that out together, but, yeah... Why?'

Well, this is only a hunch, but I'm assuming that the horde of spiders here came up from the Labyrinth looking for her. And judging by their numbers, it's not for a family reunion. Especially the big guys up front...

With Ryoshi propping me up somewhat I was able to see the "big guys" Hakuja was talking about. At the head of the army of little spiders were four absolutely ginormous ones.

No doubt, those guys are the biggest problem...

That was easy enough to figure out just from their size -- but then I used Appraisal on them, starting with the Greater Taratects...

【Greater Taratect    LV29    Unnamed】


【HP: 2,845/2,845】

【MP: 2,101/2,101】

【SP (Yellow): 2,833/2,833】

【SP (Red): 2,839/2,839+786】

【Average Offensive Ability: 2,766】

【Average Defensive Ability: 2,710】

【Average Magic Ability: 2,099】

So I'm a Snake, So What? (Kumodesu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now