5 - Basilisk's Demon Eyes

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Poison, Heavy, and Heretic Magic. At level 1, the first two aren't very useful at all. The only thing Heavy Magic can do is weigh things down (shocking I know), and all Poison Magic could do at first was poison whatever I touched on contact, which isn't much considering what I can do with Deadly Poison Fang, but after a while, they leveled up!

Heavy Magic just made things slightly heavier, which would be pretty meh if not for the fact that I can hold something down for Ryoshi to kill. In fact, it's gotten him a level or two.

Poison Magic. Like I said, it's not much use since I have my fangs, but then it hit LV2, where I unlocked Poison Shot. My first ranged attack! If I didn't want to get close to something, I would just Poison Shot it and it would die to the toxin.

And finally, Heretic Magic, my current favorite. It's currently at LV3. It inflicts effects directly onto the soul, bypassing defenses and resistances! Discomfort, Phantom Pain, Phantom Insanity: these three spells have been just about indispensable.

Oh! And, uh, Shadow Magic was there too, I guess... It doesn't do anything besides let me move shadows around, so... not much to write home about there.

There's one problem though.

【MP: 0/96】

【Average Magic Ability: 87】

Both my MP and Magic stat are in the freakin' dumps! I can poison things with Poison Shot, but most of the damage comes from the status effect rather than the shot itself.

I guess snake's are more physical than magical.

I discussed with my other self and the best solution we could come up with was two skills.

『MP Lessened Consumption』and『MP Recovery Speed』. My MP refills over time, but considering that Perseverance won't help me in the slightest without it, I need a way to circumvent it ASAP.

One thing I've noticed though, whenever my MP falls and refills, the bar seems to grow a bit every now and then.

But, that's something I can sort out later. For now, there's something I've been meaning to find out.

The Great Elroe Labyrinth's Lower Stratum; that's what Appraisal told me. That's where I am right now, as far from the surface as possible.

I'm curious about what's up there. I'm hoping that the monsters up there are somewhat stronger so that I can fast-track this thing with Araba then head on up.

That's what I'm up to right now. Ryoshi and I are out on one of our daily (I think) runs. While we go about killing whatever we see and can handle, we're looking for the entrance to the Middle Stratum. Of course, I have no idea what would signify we're out of the Lower Stratum, so I've just been Appraising random things every now and then as we go along. Ah, the memories.

One thing I've noticed though, the tunnels get larger at some points. At one moment, you're going through one where you can see every wall and the ceiling, and the next moment it feels like there's no ceiling to speak of, just a void.

All in all, it's kind of... intriguing. All of this space and yet no one to claim it. Maybe after I get Araba out of the way, I could claim all of this for myself! Maybe I'll even enslave the rest of the monsters around here.


『Rot Resistance LV3』

I can eat them now without dying, but I'd prefer to just get rid of those snailbugs altogether...


Through the sounds of several monsters roaming around the labyrinth, I could hear one particularly close-by. The sound of feet and claws tapping against the stone floor. Well, besides Ryoshi's feet.

As we turned the corner of one of the numerous stone columns rising to the ceiling, that's when I found out what it was.

【Elroe Basilisk    LV3    Unnamed】


【HP: 146/146】

【MP: 131/131】

【SP: 50/50】

【SP: 69/69】

【Average Offensive Ability: 63】

【Average Defensive Ability: 59】

【Average Magic Ability: 120】

【Average Resistance Ability:115】

【Average Speed Ability: 67】


『Petrifying Evil Eye LV3』『Poison Attack LV1』『Night Vision LV10』『Vision Expansion LV2』『Magic Power Perception LV2』『Magic Power Operation LV2』『Earth Magic LV1』『Petrification Resistance LV1』『Poison Resistance LV2』『Expel LV1』

Skill Points: 0



Petrification? Like, turning things to stone? Is it working with a Medusa sort of thing where I can't look it in the eyes?

...Welp, only one way to find out!

"Ryoshi, go! But, try not to kill it."

If I can petrify things then kill them, getting skills with Greed will be a piece of cake!

Ryoshi rushed in on all fours, drawing the attention of the lizard, and once it's eyes landed on him, his outstretched claw slowly became encased in stone, starting at the tip of his nail and slowly sneaking upwards.

Ah, so it just needs to look at something, it doesn't need eye contact. Holy crap that's even more OP! I definitely need that!

But, I also kinda need Ryoshi so...


I spot a rock on the ground, and using my massive brain (and silently mourning my lack of hands...), I wrap my tail around it and throw it in the Basilisk's direction... And it plops to the ground right in front of me...

...I kinda wish I'd joined Shun and the others when they were playing baseball right about now...

《Skill proficiency reached. Acquired skill『Throw LV1』》

I don't know if I should be happy or feel like it's mocking me...

Whatever! Take two!

I wrap around the small stone object again, and this time, it actually gets some distance! Not much, but enough to draw the lizard's attention to it. Somehow, the rock turned more... rocky? I don't get it either, but anyway, seeing that the Basilisk was distracted, I quickly slithered around the pillar and behind it.

I guess I just felt like taunting it, so I tapped it on the back with the tip of my tail, and the moment it turned around, I sunk my teeth into its face!

《By the effects of『Greed』, you have acquired the skills『Earth Magic LV1』『Petrifying Demon Eye LV1』and『Petrification Resistance LV1』.》

And that's all she wrote!


Yup! That's the chapter!

It's short compared to the previous ones, but at the moment I'm looking to read the Manga/Light Novel since the anime doesn't give much to work with ( T-T)

But, anyway, that's all for this chapter! There are no notes since... everything in this chapter can be found on the wiki ._.

So, besides that, have a good day y'all :D

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